Amy x Blaze x Tangle x Whisper

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Amy wakes up next to her girlfriend. Shaking her awake after looking at their clock and seeing that it's late, already.

"Tangle, honey it's 11:00 am, wake up"

"Noooooo, I wanna sleep" Tangle says and hugs Amy with her arms and her tail trying to keep her in bed


"Finnnnnnneeeee" Tangle releases Amy from her hold

"So did the other two get up?" Blaze asks. Whisper shakes her head.

"Makes sense"

"Hello!" Amy jumps on the two surprising them

"There's one! Where's Tangle?"

"Still getting ready. So, how are my two other beautiful girlfriends doing?" Both of two said girlfriends blush. With Whisper giving a thumbs up at Amy.

"Good to hear! Blaze?"

"I'm good as well. Did you want breakfast?"

"Aw Blaze, you spoil us. I think me and Tangle can help ourselves. You should relax, you've probably done so much already!"

"I haven't done that much" Blaze mumbles while Amy leaves for the kitchen. Whisper pats her on the back.

"Hello!" Tangle jumps next to them

"Do you both have to do that?" Blaze says while Whisper laughs to herself.

"YES! Where's Amy?"

"Out in the kitchen. Preparing something for the two of you."

"Oh, really? Thanks Amy!"

"You're welcome!" Amy yells from the kitchen

"So what are we doing today?"

"Relaxing" Blaze says as she sits on the couch.

"Usually I would be opposed to that but, that sounds nice" Tangle says snuggling up to Whisper.

"Here you go!" Amy says handing a plate of food to Tangle

"Thank you Amy" Tangle says kissing Amy on the cheek

They all rest on their couch, Tangle next to Whisper next to Amy next to Blaze. They all melt into each other.

*I love you guys* Whisper whispers. Punctuated by a bunch I love you toos to her and a kiss from Amy.

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