Knuckles x Rouge

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             "Hey Knuckie!"

             "Not again"

             "What? Aren't you happy to see me?"

             "I'm glad to see you not near my emerald"

             "Hey, at least you're looking on the bright side!"

             "Thanks, I guess"

             "You're Welcome."

             The two stand together in silence for a bit.

             "Don't you have anything better to do?" Knuckles asks.

             "Surprisingly, No." Rouge replies.

             "Well, can't you not bug me while I'm shopping?"

             "Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't."

             "Can I please shop?"

             "Why? Don't you like my company?"

             "Please leave me alone"


             "So I don't have to see you Bat girl."

             "Why? Is my face too pretty?"



             "Yes, it is."

             "Alright... guess I'll go then."

              Rouge leaves the store blushing an uncharacteristic red. Panicking to herself over Knuckles actually flirting back to her! This is the best day ever!

             "See I told you." Amy says.

             "Yeah thanks Amy, I feel kinda bad though" Knuckles says.

             "Don't worry, It's probably making her happy"

             "Why would she be happy about that?"

             "...No Reason. Plus it's not like you lied"

             "That's true"

             "He flirted with me!" Rouge says.

             "Yes Rouge you told me." Shadow says drinking his 9th cup of coffee for the day.

             "He flirted with me!" Rouge repeats.

             "Rouge, you have said this more than enough time for me to know."

             "He. Flirted. With. Me!"

             "Ugh." Shadow says drinking yet another cup of coffee.

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