Knuckles x Sonic

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               "For someone who stays in one place all the time you seem to know a lot"

               "For someone who travels the world, you still know so little"

               "You know a lot, doesn't mean your smarter than me, Knuckle-head"

               Sonic punctuates the sentence by flicking Knuckles on the head. He's sitting in Knuckles lap, the other takes the gesture neutrally. As it barely affects him if at all.

               "You're definitely stronger than me"

               "A flick to the head doesn't prove that"

               "I know! But still, it's pretty obvious, come on, your name is Knuckles! Of course your strong you were basically born to be powerful!"

               "Whatever... but thanks"

               "You're Welcome!"

              The two stop talking after that and sit in comfortable silence.

              "You know you're the only person I don't get board with"

              "Yet you still can't stop talking"

              Sonic makes a humph noise and turns around, facing away from Knuckles who laughs. Apparently his laugh is contagious since Sonic laughs too.

              "Fine, I do talk a lot"

              "You talk to much either that or run"

              "Well I guess that's what I'm good at, unless my boyfriend is something I can call an accomplishment"

              Knuckles blushes at that

             "C'mon I'm not that good"

             "You're great, like how strong you are!"

             "Back on this again, huh?"

             Knuckles laughs and as Sonic fake complains to him. Both of them soon laugh together and then take back their stationary positions. Knuckles resting and Sonic sitting in his lap, until Sonic decides to talk again.

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