Amy x Surge

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                  Amy actually has friends outside of team Sonic, thank you very much. One friend she has was Surge, a fangirl of hers who she hung out with consistently. She was even thinking about introducing her to team Sonic as a potential member due to her electric power. But one day, she disappeared. Completely gone. She thought that maybe she was tired or something but then more and more time passed and more and more panic arose in Amy. But things kept on happening to her so she put it in the background. Not having any leads.

               That was until a girl also named Surge who also had electricity power and who looked very similar to her previous friend appeared and made herself known. As an enemy of Sonic. Now Amy didn't want to jump to conclusions, but that was probably Surge. But why? She at first thought it might have been by Surge's own emission, but then Kit. Who was from the same side as Surge made known that they were hypnotized. So they were two hypnotized villains.

               Amy decided to do some of her own investigating. Whenever Surge can up, she would be the first to volunteer, she would get up close and personal. Surge didn't seem to recognize Amy and always targeted Sonic. So she was drawn to Sonic, to hurt him. Why? Who caused this and why? It made no sense. Then one time, she went alone. Alone on a mission without Sonic or anyone else, alone. One on one.

              "Well look who decided to show- oh. Who are you? Leave until Sonic come back." Surge waves Amy away.

              "Surge!" Amy climbs up the hill that Surge placed herself on and pins her to the ground.

              "Ow! Who are you?"

              "I'm Amy. Amy Rose. We know each other..."


              "Surge! We have met before!"

              "...your LYING!" Surge pushes her back, almost off the cliff

              "Surge snap out of it!"

             "I DON'T KNOW YOU!" Surge pushes her back with her electricity, Surge is crying now

              "...Surge" Amy goes up to her "We know each other" Surge is crying now "I forgive you" Surge breaks down and goes into a ball. Amy sits next to her patting her back.



              "I missed you..."

              "I did too... I really did..."

              "...I... really missed you too..."

              "Well let's get back some of that time." Amy holds her hand out, Surge nods and reaches out for the hand. Amy pulls her up and their faces almost touch.

              "Sorry Surge, didn't mean that..."

              "Aw, really? Wait... um"

              The two awkwardly stand near each other again the silence takes over them.

              "I think Starline used my jealousy against Sonic for you to make me want to stop him"

              "Oh, I had no idea..."

              "I'm in love with you, Amy Rose"

              "...You know, I also missed other things with you... such as being in love with you too" Amy says, going in and kissing Surge. Which the other melts into after the shock comes off.

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