Tangle x Whisper

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"I'm in love with you"

*Yeah, Tangle. I Know.*

Apparently Tangle got hit with a love potion. Now she's saying how much she loves Whisper. Whisper thinks this can't be true and is trying to find a way to cure her.

*Tangle, can you please let me work?*

"What? Do you not like me being in love with you?"


"Because I have a secret"


"I've always been in love with you" Tangle says directly into Whisper's ear which makes Whisper blush a crimson red.

"I love you! I love you! I love you!" Tangle says in a sing-song tone while dancing around while Whisper stands still letting that confession sink in


"Dance with me Whisper!" Tangle says as she pulls Whisper around. Whisper laughs.

*you obviously can't dance.*

"Well I still love you..."


"Whisper, do you not love me back?"

*...I do... love you*

Tangle gasps and hugs Whisper. Which Whisper enjoys a lot.

"Hey...Whisper" Sonic says standing in the entrance of the building

Whisper and Tangle wave hello. Whisper engulfed into the Lemur's Tail. Sonic looks and it and can barely hold on a laugh.

"Uh...we found the cure."

Whisper gives a thumbs up and points to Tangle. Sonic looks over to the lovestruck lemur and understands.

"Good idea. Tangle open up."

"Uh, fine. Only for Whisper"

"Sure, just take it"

Tangle puts the drink down the hatch. She seems to change and chokes on the drink before swallowing it all the way down.

"Thanks sonic!"

*Thank you*

"See ya!" Sonic runs off

The two remain in silence.

"...sooooo...you love me?"

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