Tails x Kit

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              Kit honestly loved the ocean. It felt like a home to him. Swimming was definitely one of his favorite activities. Tails liked to swim too, obviously not as much as Kit but still especially since her boyfriend enjoyed it a lot. They usually go out sometimes to a beach or a pool and play in the water together. Maybe not for too long but sometimes it can go for hours. Largely because of Kit.

              Despite both of them liking to swim and Kit being better at it. Tails taught Kit how to swim in the first place. Allowing Kit to achieve a lifelong dream of actually being able to traverse water. Despite being so water focused, nobody ever taught him how to swim. He wishes they did, it's nice. Maybe it was because nobody that was here before cared enough about him to teach him so.

              But that is in the past. The present is here and it's great for him. Now Kit can look forward to actually swimming or resting in the water. Sweet, comfortable, moving water. Maybe Kit likes water too much, but at this point he doesn't care. Kit loves water and he hopes it loves him back. Like Tails does to him. Kit loves water and Tails. Tails loves Kit and his obsessive yet cute nature with water.

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