Espio x Vector and Tails x Charmy

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                 "The kid's up again"

                 "Yeah I know it's my turn."

                 Espio gets up, leaving Vector in bed by himself and walks down the hall to Charmy's room. Where the baby lay. Espio picks him up and tries to get the baby to go to sleep. Eventually it works and Espio tries to go back to bed only for Charmy to wake up again.

                "...I'm losing my patience, but okay."

                Charmy's Crying

                "Alright let's try this again."

                Espio tries to calm down Charmy again. But everything he does fails. Eventually Espio goes for help.

               "Vector, Charmy won't go to sleep."

               "Espio? Oh..." Vector looks at the baby still crying

              "...Okay" Vector takes the baby into his arms and investigates the situation

              "Did you try getting them water?"




              "Did you change their diaper?"


             "Reading them a book?"


             "Peek a boo?"

             " know how much I hate that."


             "Fine, turn them to me."

             Vector calms Charmy down then turns them to Espio.

             "Alright, peek..." Espio disappears into the wall.

             "A boo." Espio reappears from the wall.

            Charmy becomes happy and starts cheering and laughing

            "Okay, happy?"

            "Very, here you go" Vector hands back Charmy and Espio goes back to put the bee to bed. Vector laughs himself to sleep.

           "Oh come on I know you can still do it!" An older Charmy says to Espio.

           "No I can't."

           "C'mon Tails want to see!"

           "It's fine, I really don't mind that much sir." Tails says to the displeasure of Charmy.

           "Tails! Whatever, just do it... please?"

           "I can't."

           "What's going on here?" Vector comes in

           "Espio won't show me his disappearing thing, Vector."

           "C'mon Esp, just show the kid."



           "But only this once, okay?"

           Charmy nods their head in excitement. Espio disappears then reappears.

           "Okay, happy?"

           "Extremely!" Charmy claps their hands with Tails and Vector laughing.

           "Okay, so, how do you make a baby sleep? It's my turn now since Tails did it 10 minutes ago. Please, any suggestions."

           "...Charmy, it's three in the morning."

           "Tell me, please."

           "Well, peek a boo always worked for you."

           "I can't disappear like you can!"

           "Just put your eyes over your face then back again, it should work, maybe."

           "...fine, let me try."

           The phone stays silent for a few moments.

           "YES! IT WORKED! ...and the kid's crying again."

           "You're Welcome."

           "Thank Dad! Call ya soon!" With that Charmy hangs up and Espio goes back to bed.

           "You're taking the next call."

           "Yeah I know Esp..."

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