Tails x Ray

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              A two tailed flying fox was weird, right? Well so is a flying squirrel who's only other friend was an armadillo. Ray and Tails were never too close. But eventually they were forced to get close when Tails needed some help.

             "Ray, can you help me with something?"

             "S-sure Tails!"

             The two walk into the fox's lab where a contraption is set up.

             "What's t-this?"

             "Mind reading machine. It reads your mind for possible information."

             "So what do y-you need me for?"

             "Test subject."

             "A-a-a you sure it's safe?"

             "Can you do it, please?"


             Ray hooks himself in with the help of Tails.

             "Alright! 3...2...1..." Tails switches the machine on and it starts to read Ray's mind.

             "W-what d-does it say Tails?"

             "Give it a second, wait..."


             "I accidentally set it in deep mode."


             "It searches your subconscious... you don't have any dark secrets, right?"


             Tails immediately turns the machine off, Ray runs to the transmission and reads the messages that print out with paper. Ray lifts his head from the paper and blushes. Immediately he takes the paper and sprints.

             "Great, now my only chance to bond with Ray is gone!" Tails slaps herself on the head.

             Meanwhile Ray still has the papers and he looks at them again. Some of them say normal things while others say stuff like 'Tails looks cute today' and 'Tails is so nice' and other random stuff he thinks about Tails. He runs off red faced to his house.

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