Blaze x Tangle

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Tangle though Blaze was the coolest person ever. Blaze thought Tangle was the cutest ball of energy ever. Blaze was never good at showing emotions. Instead relying on the fact that she was very self sustainable. But a few people would come into those cracks she left and Tangle managed to wrangle her way into that heart crack of hers.

Blaze could cover up her crush for a while. She didn't interact with Tangle that much. She was off in her own dimension doing her own thing. Tangle was in hers doing her thing. It worked out for a while. Until suddenly Sonic kept needing her help or she needed Sonic's help and Tangle also showed up wherever Sonic went. Blaze ended up not being able to suppress her crush for Tangle, at all.

Tangle was a lot better at suppressing crushes. Seeing them more as people to aspire to be rather than anything romantic. Tangle's constant encouragement and assists with Blaze, made Blaze even more aware of the crush and that didn't help one bit. Not at all. It really didn't help, like at all.

Blaze was a blushing disaster around her. It was too much for her. She couldn't take it. One day, it became too much for her.

"Gotcha Blaze!" Tangle said parrying an attack from a robot

"Why do you have to be so cute?" Blaze mumbled under her breath.

Tangle obviously heard that as she turned, blushed and then proceeded to get hit by a robot.

"Tangle I am so sorry!" Sonic says. Kneeling down and begging for mercy. Somehow he thought it was his fault

"It's fine! If you don't mind me, I want to talk to Blaze now..." Tangle says while Sonic is overreacting on the ground, thanking her.

"So I'm cute Huh?" Tangle says, while pushing Blaze into a wall. Before Tangle breaks out into laughter. While Blaze looks confused and dazed.

"No, but do you really think I'm cute?"

"Yes..." Blaze says and that's when Tangle short circuited

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