Sonic x Jet

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              "I'm going insane because of you" Jet says sitting on the grass

              "Thank You" Sonic says back

              Jet and Sonic had ended up in another race. Of course, it was started by Jet. Ever since they started dating these competitions have become less competitive. Largely because Jet has gotten a lot less aggressive towards Sonic. But only Sonic it seems.

               "Sonic, every day I see you, and I have no idea why I love you" Jet says.

               "Maybe I'm just that lovable" Sonic replies. Jet gives him a look.

               "Please take this more seriously"

               "Sorry" Sonic replies

               "It's fine, It's not your fault, it's probably mine" Jet says.

               "Well I'm sorry if it is my fault"

               "This is exactly what I'm talking about, you are way too nice for me"

               "You've gotten better, plus I'm not that nice" Sonic replies.

               "Yeah, well, I haven't"

               "With me you have"

               "Yeah because I'm in love with you"

               "Well it's good to hear that you love me"

               "Sonic!" Jet squawks.

               "Sorry! See it could be as much as my fault as it could be yours"

               "I swear if you say we can work through this together"

               "We can work through this together!"

               "I'm leaving" Jet says and gets up

               "Wait! Jet!" Sonic gets up laughing to himself and goes after the bird

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