Cream x Marine

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            "Are you sure it's safe this time?"

            "Trust me, you'll be fine. No accidents like last time, promise"

            "Fine, I'm trusting you on this Marine."

            "You can count on me Cream!"

            The two get on the small boat. Cream sits down, while Marine revs the motor. It starts almost instantly, to the delight of Marine. The boat races, the farther it goes, the happier Marine gets. Smiling ear to ear after a couple minutes.

            "YES! IT WORKS!"

            "I though you said it already worked?"

            "Uhhhhhhhhhh, I didn't want to get stranded out here by myself"

             Then the boat stops with comedic timing.

            "Crap" Marine says flatly

            "Can you restart it?"

            "Let me try" Marine says and tries to start the engine again, to no success

            "Crap" Marine says and slaps herself in the face.

            "Look like we're stuck out here. Sorry."

            "It's fine. At least it didn't explode."

            "That was one time!"

            "Sorry, I didn't think it would this long for someone to find us."

            "It's fine, I would fly us back if it wouldn't leave the boat here."

            "I can't ask you to do that, you can fly back if you want"


            "I mean I obviously wasted you time, the least I can do is let you leave"

            "I don't want to leave."



            Eventually Marine figures the engine out and the get back to shore.

            "Sorry about that mate"

            "It's fine. I enjoyed the time I got to spend with you."


            "You're Welcome, see you later."


            With that Cream leaves. Smiling to herself. While Marine kicks the boat and hurts her foot. Then leaves the boat to rot.

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