Rouge x Wave

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              "Finally being able to take a break is nice."

              "We should do this more often." Rouge says sitting on a beach chair next to Wave on nice sunny day, on well, a beach.

              "Easier said than done. Jet was mad I took this one."

              "Yeah, I know. Your stupid job."

              "Just because it's stupid doesn't mean I don't have to do it."

              "Why do you do it?"

              "I don't want a flaming airship falling out of the sky every week in a random place."

              "...Fair enough."

              "I will try to get more days off."

              "For me?" Rouge says in a fake melodramatic way.

              "Sure, if you take the exact days off as I do." Wave sarcastically shoots back.

              "...Maybe I will." Rouge says with a sly smile.

              "I'll bet on that."

              Suddenly a massive flaming airship falls out of the sky and falls almost right in front of Rouge and Wave. Phasing neither of them.

              "Oh great, your ride's here." Rouge comments.

              "I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner."

              "Oh hey Wave!" Storm says, popping out of the airship, Jet slumping after him, knocked out cold.

              "Alright let's see what you two morons messed up while I was gone." Wave says heading towards the airship while Rouge softly laughs still on her chair.

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