Tails x Charmy

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              Hugs were Charmy's favorite form of affection. They simultaneously loved the simplicity of it and how much it can say. They loved hugs from their Dads when they was little. Maybe that's why they still loves hugs so much. Some sort of memories they held on from his childhood.

               They loved giving hugs to their girlfriend Tails. Everyday and every time they could, no matter what or where. Charmy didn't care. They would hug her no matter what they or Tails were doing. Hugs were a simple pleasure for Charmy. Tails let they indulge. Tails didn't mind the hugs from her partner.

               Tails did tease them about it every once in a while. But Charmy would make her be quiet by hugging her again. All Tails could do is blush then. Smiling from all the affection while dying on the inside from the hug. Charmy felt it was nice to outsmart Tails every once in a while.

                When a bad day happened. Tails would give Charmy hugs. When a bad day happened to Tails, Charmy would give her hugs. More that usual, not like either of them minded. Hugs were an important part of their relationship. So they stayed hugging for as long as they could stay there. Into the night or way past that to the morning.

                It didn't matter between the two. Hugs were basically essential. Especially Charmy. For Tails it was something her partner enjoyed and for that, she was happy for Charmy. It doesn't matter, she likes it a lot. She would never admit it anyways. Charmy could get too much blackmail from that. Tails smiles when she thinks about Charmy hugs and how warm they make her feel.

                They both like hugs.

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