Tangle x Whisper

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              *Hey Tangle*

               "Hey Whisper"

               Every day they said some sort of greeting to each other. No matter how long or short they interacted, the would always get a single greeting out to the other. A nice tradition that they would carry whenever and wherever they could, they would always continue it no matter what.

               One day did come close to not happening though. They were busy and didn't do it in the morning because they woke up at different times. Then Tangle realized that she would have to stay for a bit longer then longer then longer then longer until she could no longer ignore that something was missing

               Whisper knew what was missing. She arrived home early to no Tangle and subsequently no greeting. She didn't want to call Tangle just in case she was actually busy. So she waited. For a single call that gave her the greeting she was looking for.

                 Tangle kept being taken away from home with more work. Sure if enough time passed she could go home to relax but that looked less and less successful she would get home in time for a good night's rest. It was even looking like she would be kept her to help out, not even able to go home. But she doubted that.

                  She was wrong to doubt that. She was put in a confined bunk on a few hours break. She didn't even know what exactly they needed her help for so much! She tried to sleep but that nagging feeling kept going and going. She looks at the clock 11:58. She relizes. Quickly she diles the number.

                  Whisper's phone rings. Who could be calling at this time in the night? She picks it up hopeing for good news. She's gets something even better.

                  "HEY WHISPER"

                  *Hi.... tangle.*

                  "Sorry if I woke ya"

                  *It's fine.*

                  "... so... hi"

                  *...hi...* Whisper chuckles and Tangle does too in response

                  *What time is it?*

                  "It just turned midnight"

                  *Guess we didn't miss it after all.*


                  *.... Well... hey Tangle.*

                  "Hey Whisper"

                  *I love you.*

                  "I love you too"
                  They both hang up and finally get a good nights sleep, still missing each other though. But Nothing is Perfect.

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