Cream x Tails

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             Cream liked Girls. Simple as it could be. She didn't like Tails until Tails came out as a girl. Maybe that was the factor. Now that Tails was officially a girl, Cream could not stop crushing on her. Maybe it was that they were made for each other or were similar. They both were considered sidekicks and too what people assumed was the main couple of the Sonic Team (Sonic and Amy). But this was different, Cream could feel it. Plus Cream was nothing like Amy, she wouldn't go after Tails like Amy did for Sonic.

                Cream started simple. Complements. She complimented Tails whenever she could. Tails liked it, so who would stop her? Nobody would. Then she started giving Tails treats. Goodies. Cream gives her cookies, cupcakes, whatever she can. Food is the way into anyone's heart. Tails hangs out with her more. They become closer than they already have been. Cream keeps going. Tails keeps receiving. Cream is surprised when Tails reciprocates by giving her compliments and making things for her. They are best friends but Tails give her a lot. Like Cream gives to her.

                  They continue this simple trade. Cream gives her thing. Tails gives her things. It's nice, it works for them. Others see their trade as nice but seemingly excessive. They keep doing it anyways. People suspect one of them having a crush on the other. They recognize that and then keep going. They keep doing this whenever they can. However they can. Giving each other gifts becomes second nature to them. A force of nature, not stopping unless catastrophe strikes.

                   Tails one day sits in his home. Cream comes over like usual to give her a gift. This time it's some simple chocolate chip cookies. She smiles at her. Cream smiles back at Tails. They both smiles back at each other. Tails starts to cry, Cream's face turns to concern.

                    "...Tails, are you okay?"

                    "...yeah, this is a happy cry."

                    "What are you crying for?"

                    "Because your so nice to me."

                    Silence stings into the conversation.

                    "Tails, I love you"

                    ".... I though you were a lesbian"

                    "Tails, the reason I love you is because your a girl. Your just as much as a girl as I will ever be."

                    "Thank you so much Cream... I love you too by the way..."

                    Cream smiles as she takes Tails by the cheeks and passionately kisses her. Then they keep sitting throughout the day.

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