Metal x Amy

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              Metal was a walking encyclopedia. But yet she didn't quite understand love. Robots usually couldn't or even decide to try and understand the concept. Leaving it alone and trying to achieve whatever their goal was. Metal had no idea like most robots. In a vast sea of knowledge she couldn't figure it out.

               That was until Amy Rose came alone and knocked her out of the ballpark, literally and figuratively. Maybe it was because she was a opposite version of Sonic but she found herself attracted to the pink Female Hedgehog. But as always the Metal variant decided to outdo the other organic hedgehog by also actually being nice to her and hopefully asking Amy to be her girlfriend.

               First step was actually being nice to Amy and letting her be nice to Metal. Two things she wasn't programmed to do but did anyways, happily. Amy reciprocated pretty quickly and seemed to like this more nice side of Metal. So she kept it up, happily. With no issue. Making sure every time she could she was nice.

              One day they were alone together, surprisingly enough. When Amy gave her a kiss on the cheek. Maybe it was a friendly kiss but Metal didn't care, she was ecstatic at the kiss. Doing her best to kiss her back. You can't really do that when you're a robot. But Amy blushed and hugged her. Metal couldn't be happier despite never being programmed with emotions besides violence against another hedgehog. Which she might still act on if the other messes with her girlfriend.

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