Knuckles x Rouge and Rouge x Wave

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               Wave and Knuckles were on opposite sides usually. Not exactly rivals or enemies but not on friendly terms. Rouge is dating both of them, mostly it's easy, stay neutral. But sometimes it isn't that easy.

               "I don't see what the problem is, I steal that emerald of yours all the time." Rouge says to an angry Knuckles.

               "It's The Master Emerald Rouge! Plus I usually get it back from you... eventually" Knuckles tries to argue.

               "Whatever, I'm staying out of this."

               "Can you at least try to reason with her?"

               "Fine but only so I don't have to hear your whining anymore."

                "Please." Rouge asks.

                "No." Wave responds.

                "Please, he won't stop complaining!"

                "I'm empathetic and I am very sorry. But I can't do anything."


               "She said no." Rouge says.

               "Seriously?" Knuckles asks.

               "I don't get what you expected."

               " I at least have permission from you to get it back?"

               "I appreciate you asking but that was always an option."

               "Just wanted to make sure"

               Knuckles ends up somehow getting onto the airship and busting it open.

               "She wasn't kidding." Wave says as Knuckles comes inside the airship.

               "Give me back my Emerald" Knuckles says angrily.


               "Yeah, what is i-" Jet says and stops at the sight of the echidna.

               "Can he have his emerald back?"

               "Holy crap! Just take it!" Somehow Jet manages to summon the power to pick up the emerald and give it to Knuckles who nods and jumps out of the airship.

               "You are not allowed to tell what you steal to your girlfriend anymore" Jet says to Wave.

               "Got it." Wave understands.

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