Sonic x Shadow and Sonic x Jet

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                 If you told Sonic he would be in a relationship with two of his rivals a few years ago. He would look at you with the most dumbfounded look ever then probably run away. But here he is snuggled in between Shadow and Jet and letting himself be snuggled by the two.

                Shadow confessed first then Jet. Sonic was accepting of both and decided why not give two partners a try? It obviously worked out for him, he now had two boyfriends he loved. Even if technically speaking they were in different places in conflict.

                They decided pretty early on that work would not be a factor in their romantic relationship, a good call considering everything. Obviously it wouldn't work out if they were constantly at each other's throats. It didn't matter now, they were on a couch snuggling.

                Today they were staying there, unless the world was in perilous danger. So there they lay, not doing too much. Just laying and sitting on a couch. Even if the tension between Shadow and Jet kinda felt overwhelming at some times.

                "Was that you birdy?" Shadow says through gritted teeth. After feeling a stray popcorn kernel hit him which Jet is eating.

                Jet knows what this means and runs for the hills while screaming, while Shadow chases him. At least Sonic can have two boyfriends without them getting mad at him, just at each other.

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