Tails x Charmy

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             "This is pointless." Tails points out.

             "It might lead us to something!" Charmy exclaims, excited

             Tails and Charmy are investigating the rubble of an Eggman ship. While most of it is empty, Charmy is still hopeful they will find something to aid them in the fight against Eggman, Tails isn't as convinced.

             "This is still pointless, Charmy."

             "Just one more room Tails, then we can go home"


             Charmy opens up the door to an office like room. Immediately the bee flies around, looking for any clues. While Tails stays behind looking cautiously around the room.

             "Got something!" Charmy says holding up a piece of paper.

             -Security system active- a new robotic voice says over the intercom.

             Lasers begin shooting in the room. Charmy flies for their life. Getting shot at in the process. Landing on Tails and shutting the door.

             "Aw man"

             "What?" Tails says, being extremely concerned for the bee's safety.

             "It got the paper." Charmy says holding up the remnants of the same paper, which is now chared up and now contains no more useful information. Making Charmy sad.

             "Are you kidding me?" Tails aggressively says towards the bee.

             "Yeah, I know..."

             "No! Charmy! Look at me!" Charmy follows the others directions

              "You could've died!" Tails shakes Charmy.

              "Yeah, but..."

              "NO BUTS! You could've died..." Tails begins to cry. Tears leaking out of her eyes.


              "Don't apologize. I just want you to be safe."

              "Ha, bee" Charmy jokes, Tails looks at them before laughing at the joke herself.

              "...Let's go back."


              The two walk out of the airship, with nothing besides themselves in tact. Tails would have it no other way.

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