Charmy x Tails x Kit

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             Tails was full of love. Love for her brother, Sonic. Love for her friends. But most importantly live for her two partners Charmy and Kit.

              She had no idea when her feelings for Charmy started but once Tails realized she couldn't stop them. They came pouring out. The only reason the bee didn't realize was that they had the exact same feelings back. Both of them were clouded by love. Until Tails one day blurted out her feelings to Charmy.

               "You're lucky you're so cute."

               " think I'm cute?"

               From that day onward the two loved each other. Letting their feelings out and in the open. Datefriend and Girlfriend till the very end. Only the two of them though. Until Tails met Kit.

                Tails knew exactly when her feelings for Kit became apparent. It was when she saw the other fox scared and alone. The scene was cute in the most messed up way possible. Tails wanted to take care and protect Kit and that's exactly what she did. Taking him back to her workshop and making sure that he was okay.

                Of course Charmy was jealous. But eventually came around to the other fox. Loving him like Tails loved him. Kit eventually and surprisingly one day confessed his feelings to Tails. But it was more of an accident that anything.


                 "Yeah Kit?"

                "How do you know when you love somebody?"

                "In what way?"


                "Well, how it is for me is that you want to protect them no matter what, you heart beats faster when you are around them and you want to hug and kiss them and make sure they're okay."

                "Oh, well I think I feel that towards you."


                Kit would eventually confess to Charmy too. But in a more subdued way and less accidental. From that day. It was three of them now. All together, loving each other. Boyfriend and Girlfriend and Partner till the very end.

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