Tails x Kit

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"Kit stop hiding."


"If you get out... I'll give you a hug."

"Okay." Kit gets out of his spot and opens his arms to receive the hug. Tails happily obliges to the request. Hugging Kit, which makes Kit seemingly a lot happier.

"So what did you want to do Tails?"

Kit seemed to really like hugs as he keeps asking for them. Tails doesn't mind too much, giving him all the hugs he wants. Kit seems happier this way.

Tails keeps giving Kit hugs whenever he requests one. Everyone else seems to find it cute in a way. Awwing at the sight. It ends up becoming habit for the two.

Kit keeps asking for more and for longer. Soon enough, when their alone he asks to cuddle. Tails sees nothing wrong with it and obliges to the request. Soon enough their cuddling as much as they are hugging.

Whenever Kit feels down, he latches onto Tails. Tails doesn't mind. She keeps on working on whatever she needs to do. People still find it endearing. Seeing the two in a pile together, apparently they find it cute.

One day, Tails feels down. So Kit goes and latches on to him. Tails reciprocates quickly. They latch onto each other until Tails feels better. This adds to their already established routine. Again people find it cute.

They have fun with each other. Then they accidentally kiss. They look at each other shocked. Kit goes away to hide. Tails tries to find him and eventually she succeeds.

"Kit, I'm sorry."


"Kit, please come out."

"Only if you kiss me again."

This shocks Tails at first but she calms down and thinks it's through, extremely easily she comes to a conclusion.


Kit comes out and looks at Tails. Tails looks back at him. Kit initiates pulling the other into the kiss. Tails reciprocates and melts into it. Nobody can see them. Eventually they release.

"...can we do that again?" Kit asks

"...yes..." Tails nervously responds as Kit goes in for another one.

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