Amy x Surge

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             "Amy, YOU WHAT?" Sonic yells at Amy after she tells him her and Surge are dating.

             "Look she liked me and I liked her, it's that simple"

             "Amy she's tried to kill all of us before"

             "Not me"

             "Amy, I don't think your understanding what I'm saying"

             "I hear you crystal clear, I get it, I promise I won't bring her around here"

             "Amy, I'm worried about you too"

             "I'll be fine Sonic, you worry too much"

             "Do I, if anything it seems I'm not worrying enough"

             "She likes me and is nice to me, what else do you want?"

             "For her to be good?"

             "Sonic she doesn't want that"

             "Yeah because she wants me dead!"

             "Again, I won't bring her around here"

             "Again, she tried to kill not only me but a bunch of others"

             "Sonic, keep yourself out of my relationship, it's for the best"

              "Well sorry if I don't want to get killed!"

              "You're being overdramatic"

              "Actually I don't think I'm being dramatic enough!"

              "I'm done with this conversation, I have a date with Surge later anyways" Amy says leaving the room

              "A date? Like the restaurant type of date?" Sonic yells to her

              "Of course not, are you crazy?" Amy says peaking her head out of the other room

              Sonic looks at her as she leaves and now he wants to rip his hair out

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