Knuckles x Rouge

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                  "You are the best person I've ever met." Rouge says looking at Knuckles.

                  "Thanks? ...I can't help but feel there's a another side to that" Knuckles says next to her, not facing her.

                  "You are so stupid."

                  "There it is"

                  "You were smart enough to realize that at least."

                  "Well at least I know it's an insult now"

                  "Who said it was an insult, I find your stupidity very cute."

                  "Funny, because it's easy to get the best of me"

                  "Maybe, but also it's cute."


                  "You're welcome."

                  "Whatever, this is stupid"


                  "Shut up"

                  "Well at least we can enjoy each other's company."

                  "Speak for yourself"

                  "At least I can enjoy your company."


                  "Nope, nothing like that. This time at least."

                  "Well, thanks a lot"

                  "You're Welcome, a lot."

                  "Fine, maybe I enjoy your company too."

                  "...Really?" Rouge says with a hint of red coming to her face.

                  "Look who's the flustered one now"

                  "Really?" Rouge asks again, determined to figure out. Getting closer to Knuckles, who backs off a slight bit.

                  "...Yes" Knuckles says with red appearing on his face.

                  "Ha! Guess your still flustered!" Rouge laughs to herself. After coming to again, satisfied with the answer. While Knuckles turns away in even more red than he already is somehow. Rouge keeps laughing at his expense.

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