Tekno x Amy

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                A green bird finally came back home. After all this time. Amy was waiting for her. Monetary distractions were always in place, but now she has returned.

                "Welcome back, Tekno"

                "A warm welcome, I'm surprised?"

                "I love you too much to be mad at you, I'm just glad your back"

                "Sorry, I was gone for so... long"

                "You're fine, I still love you, come inside, please"

                "Well, that's the least I could do"

                The two snuggle up on the couch and lay together. Tekno can't help but feel she's intruding. Amy is too happy to notice Tekno's seemingly obvious nervousness. The two stay like this for as long as they can. Amy falls asleep, Tekno tries too, she can't.

                Tekno slowly gets up, not to disturb Amy. She doesn't, thank goodness. For her. Tekno goes upstairs to a house she doesn't recognize. She grabs a pen and some paper and writes down something. She then sighs to herself and exist to house, quietly as she left Amy.

                Amy wakes up later, noticing Tekno's disappearance almost immediately. She looks around for her, until she sees a piece of paper. Amy looks at it, realizing it's a note from Tekno, she looks at it and begins crying.

                'Amy, you are so special to me. I love you more than anything in the world. But I don't belong here, especially with you. You're way too good for me, too reliable for who I am. I don't deserve you. I want you to be free from me. So I'm sorry, but I left again. I can't be here anymore, I love you too much to be with you. With love, Tekno.'

                Amy cries from the note. Tears go everywhere and Amy honestly doesn't feel it can stop. Amy goes outside and looks around. No seeing any sign of Tekno. She cries, Amy doesn't want to live without her. Amy feels like Tekno is the only one she can truly love. Amy cries more, not knowing what to do.

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