Gadget x Infinite

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                 Gadget puts himself onto Infinite to the others annoyance

                  "What are you doing?"

                  "Enjoying my boyfriend"


                  Gadget does this everyday and Infinite always allows him to

                   "Hey Infinite!"

                   "Yeah?" Infinite yells to him

                   "Tackle hug!"

                   Gadget runs up to his boyfriend and hugs him, pushing him to the ground




                   "What are you doing?"

                   "What do you think I'm doing?"

                   "Why is the kitchen covered in batter?"

                   "...I was trying to make a cake"

                   "Why were you trying to make a cake?"

                   "Because I love you"

                   "...Fine, I'll help you clean this up"

                   "Look whatever is wrong we can work through it"

                   "No we can't"


                   Infinite turns to Gadget

                   "I. Love. You. We can get through this, okay?"


                   Infinite grabs Gadget's hand, Gadget pulls him in and they hug.

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