Amy x Honey (Honey's POV)

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            Honey the Cat is what people would call a star. With adoring fans from everywhere and everyone wanting to be her or be with her. People say the amount of fashion designers rises because of her. But every artist, no matter what. An artist needs a muse. Someone who inspires them. Most people would pick a lover or family. But honey picked something less than usual. Amy Rose. Yes, that one.

              She doesn't know why she chose Amy. But she likes it nonetheless. Honestly she wishes she could meet her. But she's probably too busy. So Honey goes out to where she is going to display everything and everyone. She dresses the models and sends them out. She looks out to the crowd and notices a particular face.... Is that Amy rose? She can't believe it.

               She keeps checking and checking. It doesn't change, she doesn't know why Amy would be here. She calms herself and goes back to her job after all she still has to meet a fan afterwards. So she stays calm. After the expo, she sits in her dressing room waiting. She gets a text saying her fan will be in with her shortly. She smiles and relaxes herself.

               Finally she hears a knock on the door. She goes up and poses.

                "Heyyyyyyy!" Wait is that.
               Amy rose is just standing there in front of her. Is this a mistake? Is this a ruse? She finally gets something out.

                  "Aren't you Amy Rose?" She asks as calm as she can.

                  "...You... know... me?" Wait, seriously?

                  "Yeah, of course. I mean I thought it was obvious. Who else could've inspired the Rose Collection?" Honey relays

                  "... that was me?"

                  "Yeah! You have such a way with style!"

                  "Really? My sense of style was inspired by you!" ...wait... what?

                  ".... REALLY?"


                  Honey then starts gushing about how everything she made was inspired by Amy and honestly Amy can't believe her! She feels so weird, her idol telling her that's she's her main inspiration? That's insane!

                   "...and that's why you're my muse"

                   "Wait, I'm your muse?" Crap

                   "... I shouldn't have said that"

                   Honey proceeds to go into panic mode desperately begging Amy for forgiveness and to not think she's creepy. Amy is very confused and says.

                   "It's fine, honestly I like it"


                   Honey and Amy proceed to blush together.

                   "Oh well, would you look at the time!"

                   Amy gives a hum of agreement

                  "Um, well.... here's my number!"

                   Honey gives Amy the paper. Honey backs down at the door and starts panicking hard. Holy crap. What is she going to do? She gave her muse her number! She never thought this would happen! She starts working on a new piece immediately. Honey doesn't even realize that she'll get a call soon.

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