Tails x Kit

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            When Tails Met Kit she didn't know what to feel. It felt like looking into a really strange mirror. It was the weirdest mirror she ever looked at. Maybe she was being too judgemental. Tails didn't know what to think. Her Feelings were very confused. It made no sense.

               Evidence didn't help. Finding things about Kit's past didn't help. It didn't make any sense. But why didn't it make any sense to Tails? She has no idea. It was pretty clear cut and there was a motive but why go through all this effort and for what? She didn't know.

                Maybe something was missing. Yeah, that was probably it. Tails' feelings got more and more confusing. She couldn't push it away. Maybe it was too confusing for her. Maybe she couldn't comprehend it. Romance was inevitable for Her and Kit.

                Kit admired Tails. Maybe that was because he was made directly after her. It was impossible to not at the very least respect her. But this was far past respect; these were romantic feelings. He didn't know how to react to this information.

                "So... how are you?"

                "Good, still trying to find information about you."

                "You've done that a lot."


                "Look, thank you. For all of this."

                "You're welcome."

                They sit in silence for a few moments

                "Look, I just can't understand..." Tails starts to say.

                "Understand What?"

                "You." Tails turns to Kit



                "Oh, okay."



                "You're okay with me assuming that you're some sort of bad guy?"

                "Yeah. I kinda deserve it."


                "...I do."

                "Kit, you are a great person. Maybe before you met me, you were bad but now you're a great person! You have become a good person, you're great. Why do you still doubt yourself after all this time?"

                Kit begins to tear up while staring at Tails

                "Kit! Don't cry! You're great!"

                "I know! This is probably the best thing anyone has even said to me!" He stares at Tails with tears seeping out of his eyes and the biggest smile Tails swore she ever saw.

                Tails smiles back at Kit and brings him in for a hug.

                "You're a great person, Kit"

                "Thank you, Tails"

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