Sonic x Jet

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             Jet was always preoccupied with beating Sonic. Annoyingly so, not only to his teammates but to himself. For some reason, he couldn't get that stupid blue hedgehog out of his head. It annoyed and bothered him to no end. Screaming to himself and asking why.

             The green bird figured it out in time. It was a crush. A bad one at that. A really bad one. Once he figured this out. He wanted nobody to see him and locked himself into his room. Screaming to himself and asking why.

             Everyone was annoyed by his antics at that point, including Jet to himself. He decided to get it over once and for all. He invented Sonic to a race. Only the two of them. After that he went into his room. He screamed but this time there was some happiness to it. Some.

             Jet counted down the days. It eventually came. He and Sonic met up. Raced, not like that part mattered too much to Jet. Well it did still matter, and he won by the way. The end where he and Sonic sat down and relaxed was where it would all come ahead.


             "Yeah, Jet?" Sonic turns his head to the Hawk, with his usual smile

             "I'm in love with you." Jet doesn't face the other


             "Yeah, sorry. I should-"

             "Jet, wait" Sonic grabs the others hand and pulls him back

             The avian stays quiet for seemingly the first time in his life

             "I love you too"

             "Oh come on!"



              The Hawk continues to yell at the confused hedgehog as the sun sets behind the two. A match made in...I don't know.

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