Sonic x Shadow

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             Shadow was told to hate Sonic. Yet he didn't. The exact opposite actually, Shadow loves Sonic. In probably one of the most ironic twists of fate Shadow fell in love with who he should've killed. Shadow hates irony, especially when it was used against him. The Ultimate Life Form was ultimately in love with Sonic. Infatuated some might say.

             Shadow wouldn't like it if you said that. It didn't help that Sonic was friendly, kind and very nice to him. Feelings that Shadow hated yet couldn't help but admire the other hedgehog for. Shadow hated being so weak for Sonic. When Infinite went after him, Shadow knew exactly why and he hated every moment of it. Shadow hated being in love with Sonic, yet he couldn't stop what had already been put into motion.

             Sonic was a simple hedgehog. When he knew he liked someone. He would usually internalize it and pretend it didn't exist until it came bursting out in full force. Thankfully that hadn't happened with Shadow yet. Sonic was grateful for that. Sonic had absolutely no idea why he was attracted to Shadow. He was overly edgy, probably addicted to Caffeine, and seemingly hated Sonic, yet Sonic himself would confess that he couldn't stay away from Shadow.

             Maybe it was all that stuff that made him attracted to Shadow. Maybe opposites do attract. Making each other better or worse. Who cares? Sonic loves Shadow too much to hold him down and Sonic probably doesn't want to be held down himself, right? That's the excuse he made for himself sometimes. That's fair, right? He's not making stuff up for nothing, right?

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