Blaze x Amy x Surge

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"How exactly can you like her?"

"Blaze, Trust Me" Amy attempts to calm her girlfriend.

"On what?"

"Just, trust me"

Amy knocks on a door that Blaze swears was not there a second ago and after a couple seconds it opens up.

"Hello?" A gruff voice calls out peering through the crack, until its eye lands on Amy.

"Amy!" The door swings open revealing a green tenrec, who comes out and hugs Amy. To the latters delight.

"Hey Surge!" Amy says while being hugged to death

"Is this your girlfriend?" Surge turns to Blaze after a moment

"Yes! Blaze, say hi!"


"Well, nice to meet you" Surge takes her hand out and shakes Blaze's hand to the latters discomfort, but for Amy she'll do it. No matter how weird Surge seems.

The three go inside, ushered by Surge. Blaze looks around. Nothing too much, it looks a bit musty. They sit down at a kitchen table.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Surge asks.

"I'll be fine with water, Blaze?"

"Yeah, Water is fine."

Surge gets their drinks and sets them down on the table.

"Not like I'm not happy about this visit, but why did you come?" Surge asks

"Well number 1 I wanted you to meet my girlfriend and number 2 I wanted to tell you something" Amy responds

"Alright, I'm listening"

"I like you"


"In a romantic way"

"Ohhhhhhhhh, cool, um, well, I like you too! I'm just confused?"

"I'm polyamorous?"

"No, not that. Just, how would this work?"

"Well, that's why I brought Blaze here."

"Alright, that makes sense"

Suddenly they all start to hear crying.

"Oh! Give me a second."

Surge gets up to go get something.

"Drippy! It's fine, okay? Alright. Don't worry he can't hurt us anymore. Okay, have a good nap."

Surge comes back looking sad

"Sorry about that, my little brother has nightmares sometimes, I have to make sure he's okay, he's shy, Amy can confirm that, he seems to really like her too, um..." Surge doesn't know how to finish her sentence

"That's nice that you can take care of him" Blaze says

"Yeah, nobody else would, So it's been me and him, forever"

"Sorry to hear that"

"Yeah... so, anyways..."

The rest of the meeting is them establishing everything and more formal introductions and such. Eventually Blaze and Amy leave. Amy kisses Surge on the way out. Then they get out of the apartment.

"Thanks Blaze."

"You're Welcome, she seems nice anyways."

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