Vector x Espio

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                 "Vector where is, what are you doing?"

                 "Don't worry Es, I taped myself to the ceiling to prove once and for all that Charmy has been sneaking sweets"

                 "I don't have time for this, is this even safe? What if you fall?"

                 "Safe enough!"

                 "Can't you just tell Charmy to stop sneaking sweets?"

                 "I could, but now I'll give a scare that Charmy will never forgot!"

                 "You logic is flawed."

                 "Then it's just trial and error"

                 They hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Presumably Charmy's.

                 "Espio! That's Charmy! Hide!"

                 "Fine..." Espio proceeds to blend into the wall to hide.

                 "Hello? Anyone in here, or anywhere near here?" Charmy questions looking around, then appears a devious smile appears on the bee

                 "Well I guess, nobody will mind me taking some of these." Charmy reaches for the cupcakes that Vector planted to catch the thief with which is obviously Charmy.

                 "Ha! Got you!" Vector says and Charmy looks up and then starts to laugh.

                 "How are you gonna get down from there?" Charmy says laughing while Vector struggles with the tape and trying to get it off. While Charmy laughs louder and louder. But then, Espio sneaks up and grabs Charmy.

                 "What are you doing?" Espio sternly says then Charmy turns around and screams and immediately leaves the kitchen sprinting.

                 "...Well, guess I was right"

                 "Sure, Try putting yourself down with all that tape around you."

                 Espio turns off the lights in the kitchen while Vector yells for help. Now all Espio has to do is just has to find Charmy and give them a stern talking to.

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