Tangle x Whisper

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             "I'm so lesbian for you"



             *Tangle, seriously we're working.*

             "Can't I appreciate my Girlfriend?" The lemur says hanging with her tail about near said girlfriend.

             *Later.* Whisper says while looking out for anything.

             "Fineeeeee. What are even looking for again?"

             Whisper looks at her deadpanned.


             "Yes, my beautiful girlfriend?"

             *You do know why we're here, right?*

             "Something about Badniks, you know I can't pay attention for my life"

             *Except for me.* Whisper says going back to her position with a smug smile on her face.

             "Correct" Tangle Confirms

             A few moments of silence broken by the occasional Tangle Noise.

             *We can go soon. Let's just look around some more.*

              "Fine. If we have too."

             Whisper laughs a bit then with Tangle moves around the location they're scouting out. Whisper moves more methodically while Tangle bounces around looking everywhere. Whisper look around a corner and stops Tangle. She takes her weapon and goes around the corner and disables the badnik.

             "Good Job Whisper!" Tangle says a bit too loud.

             Whisper holds her hand up to shush Tangle. The wolf looks around some more to find nothing else out of the ordinary than calms down and relaxes.

             "Lot less than you thought?"

             Whisper nods.

             "Well, guess we can go home now"

             Whisper nods again to the delight of Tangle.

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