Sonic x Shadow

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            "Hey Faker" A blue hedgehog jokes.

            "What do you want?" A black one asks.

            "The usual, a coffee with 12 sugars and a donut, extra sprinkles, please"

            "Yeah, Yeah."

            Sonic had become a usual at Shadow's place of work. After someone pointed out how they were both hedgehogs and had an extremely similar body type, Sonic started calling Shadow that nickname. To Shadow's annoyance.

            "Here you go." Shadow hands Sonic the coffee and donut.

            "Anything else?"

            "Your number" That joke has been running since Sonic came here. Shadow doesn't find it that funny.

            "Anything else?"


            Shadow decides to play along this time. At least he can get rid of one joke.

            "Here you go."

            "Wait seriously?"

            "Yes. Please go now, there are other customers here."


            Well he at least caught Sonic off guard.

            "So you actually gave him your number?" Shadow's coworker Rouge asks.


            "Alright, alright... Sooooo. When are you two going out?"

            "Preferably never."

            "Unless he makes a joke about it?"


            "Well if he's actually interested, he's going to be confused."


           Shadow gets home and noticed Sonic texted him, he opens it up.

           Sonic: Hi Shadow!

           Shadow looks at it for a bit before closing his phone again and falling asleep on his bed. He wakes up to another text message.

           Sonic: Good Morning!

           Of course he sends good morning texts. Whatever. Shadow heads to work. Where presumably he'll see Sonic.

           "Good Morning!" Completely like his texts

           "Hello. What can I get you?"

           "The usual, a coffee with 12 sugars and a donut, extra sprinkles, please."

           "Anything else?"

           "A date"

           That takes Shadow aback. He looks up at the blue hedgehog to see a smug smile.

           "Anything Tangible?"


           "Are you going to keep going?"

           "Only if you want me too"

           "If I go on an actual date with you, will you stop?"


           "Fine. Text Me." Shadow says giving the other his order.

           "Alright!" Sonic says and walks away

           "Guess I was right." Rouge says

           "Not another word."

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