Tangle x Whisper

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            Whisper was what best could be described as an anxiety filled introvert. That of course led her to a life of solitude for the most part. That was until Tangle. Well to say Tangle was solely responsible for it would be crazy, but she was definitely responsible for the strong majority of Whisper's new less anxiety filled life. Obviously Whisper still had anxiety but it was a lot less constant and lonely now.

           At the end of the day Whisper was grateful for Tangle. Maybe too grateful but it seems Tangle was as grateful for her. Whisper didn't know why Tangle liked her so much and she isn't ready to figure out if she didn't. So Whisper will hold on tight as much as she can. Tangle loves her in the same way too. Maybe she was a bit too forward at first but eventually they became friends, then best friends, then girlfriends.

           First kisses are awful. But Tangle sees hers with rose tinted glasses. Whisper sees it as an embarrassment and almost refuses to talk about it. Too bad Tangle can't shut up about it and Whisper is powerless to stop her girlfriend. Tangle's having too much fun, it would be cruel for Whisper to stop her. At least that what Whisper thinks to keep herself from kissing Tangle to make her be quiet. Whisper is that close most of the time.

          Whisper thinks she loves Tangle too much. She's right but she doesn't care.

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