Sonic x Rouge

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                  Hero and Thief. A tale as old as the two roles were established. Of course with the established rivalry between these two archetypes, some would say chemistry boils from the seams. Others would say they don't. But you've probably read the title of this story so you probably already know which side I'm on and if you're reading this I can probably tell which side you are on. So let us commence.

                  Sonic was kinda like a superhero in a way. He had a superpower, a sidekick, a team in some cases and he fought trouble wherever it came. Obviously there were a few key differences, but Sonic was in a sense like a superhero, and he wouldn't deny it.

                  To make the night even more superhero-like. A robbery and everybody probably knew who did it because there wasn't a giant aircraft in the sky near the bank. Everyone knew it was Rouge and thankfully for Sonic, he found her close by.

                  "Give back the Jewels Rouge"


                  "Because, if not, I'm gonna have to take them back"

                  "What makes you think you can?"

                  "What makes you think I can't?"

                  Sonic runs full speed at her before she can make a response, catching her a bit off guard but not too much as she dodges. Rouge tries to fly away, but Sonic grabs her and pulls her back down. Rouge prepares for ground combat while Sonic charges at her, again she dodges. Sonic turns around and looks, nothing in sight. He wonders how she got away when Rouge jumps on him, pushing him to the floor. Sonic tries to break free, but fails miserably.

                 "You're a lot weaker than Knuckles."

                 "Trust me, I know"

                 Sonic struggles a bit more

                 "Are you going to stop trying soon? This is pathetic." Rouge leans her head in.

                 Sonic struggles a bit more and hits Rouge on the head. Not exactly in the way he wanted to. He accidentally kissed her. Leaving him and the bat surprised.



                 "It's fine. I'm just going to go now."

                 Rouge leaves the Jewels behind and flies off, leaving a very confused Sonic. Maybe Sonic was more like a superhero than he thought he was.

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