Vector x Vanilla

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Vector has a soft spot for Vanilla. A very soft spot for her. He was in love with her. A foolish thing to do for most. Espio might be okay with it. But would she? That's the big question. He liked her and if she didn't like him back that could mean the permanent end of their relationship. Romantic or otherwise.

Maybe he was overthinking it. Maybe he wasn't. No matter what he wanted to get it done and over with. Vector loved her and he wanted her to know that. So here he was at her door, standing there. He breathes and rings the doorbell. Vector waits.

Vanilla opens the door, surprised to see Vector at the door. She stands there taken aback. They both stand there.

"Can I come in?"

"So what brings you here?"

"Um, I wanted to tell you something"

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's something else"

"What would that be?"

"...I' love with you"


"...sorry, I should g-"

"No!" Vanilla gets up and stops Vector in his tracks. "I was just surprised. Please, sit back down." Vector goes back to the chair and Vanilla sits in hers

"It's just... you know... Cream wasn't born out of thin air... that was such a bad explanation..." Vanilla says

"I get it" Vector says to calm her, which makes her smile.

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