Sonic x Shadow

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                  "Thanks for helping me clean up Shadow"

                  "I had nothing else better to do."

                  "Well thanks anyways"

                  The two continue to clean up. It's the remnants of a party that Sonic hosted, Shadow showed up at the very end and asked to help. The other hedgehog obviously said yes and now their here, late at night, cleaning.

                  "Soooo, how's it going?" Sonic attempts to make small talk.

                  "I'm cleaning up trash, it's barely 'going.'" Shadow replies.

                  "More like in general, in life, ya know"

                  "Oh in that case, terrible."

                  "Oh... Sorry to hear that, if you don't mind me asking, why?"

                  "It's terrible because I'm cleaning up trash."

                  "Very funny, smarty pants"

                   The two go back to silence and cleaning. But that doesn't last for too long as Shadow grabs something.

                  "Sonic, what is this?"

                  "What is wh-" Sonic stops and his eyes pop out of his head, he lunges for the object and falls on the ground, surprising Shadow.


                  "Why did you do that... it was-"

                  "Nothing! It's nothing okay!" Sonic takes the object and hides it away.

                  "Let's get back to cleaning, okay?" Sonic comes back to a concerned Shadow


                  "Don't bring it up please."

                  "...why are you acting like this, over that?"

                  "It's complicated"

                  "How exactly?"

                 "Some things are just complicated, okay?"

                 Shadow sighs and goes over to Sonic and pats his shoulder.

                 "I get it."

                 "...Thank you"

                 The go back to what they were doing and then they finish cleaning up. Staying silent the entire time.

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