Knuckles x Sonic and Rouge x Sonic and Knuckles x Rouge

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            Rouge took Sonic, again. At this point it doesn't even seem like she cares about the master emerald. Sharing a third person in their relationship seems to be hard especially when they're in the honeymoon phase with one of them, then in their argument phase with the other. But to be fair Rouge and Knuckles were always in their argument phase.

           Sonic doesn't mind. Going wherever the others take him. Being carried by Knuckles or Rouge away from the other usually following and screaming after them. Sonic is a neutral party, usually. Until he gets fed up with it. Then he has to talk with his two partners.

           "As much as I like being fawned over, you two need to work out whatever this is" He waves his hand basically trying to cut through the tension. To no success.

           "Fine." "Okay" Both of them grumble out. To Sonic's reassurance.

           Sonic gets into the middle of them and hugs them both. The two pout but nonetheless enjoy the affection. Until Rouge pulls Sonic up and flys away. Making Knuckles slump down to the ground and hit his head on the ground.

           "Ha! I got him! Try and get me Knuckie!" Rouge teases to the echidna.

           "ROUGE!" Knuckles yells to the Bat

           "Great, here we go again" Sonic says and Rouge flies away with him and Knuckles chases after the two.

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