Sticks x Amy

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              "Sticks! Get down here!" Sonic yells at Sticks, who's up a tree


              "Sticks, Get down here. Now." Amy says with firmness

              "...fine" Sticks climbs out of the tree and walks away

              "How did you get her to do that?"

              "I don't know, she just listens to me"

              That seemed to be the case as usually Sticks would only listen to Amy in some situations. For seemingly no reason. Little did all of them know, the badger was absolutely head over heels for the pink hedgehog.

               Sticks was ironically good at keeping secrets. Hey if the government could do it, why couldn't she? Sure, Sticks loves Amy. But it's not like she's obsessed with her.

                Sticks ended up realizing she was obsessed with Amy. Of course, instead of realizing her feelings, she ended up thinking she was being mind controlled.


                "Hey Sticks, what's goi-" Sticks get up close and whispers into Tails' ear.

                *Tails, Amy is mind controlling me*


                "NOT SO LOUD!" Sticks yells into Tails' ear

                "Ow. You're going to make me deaf."

                "Didn't you hear what I said?"

                "Yes, Sticks I did. Why do you think Amy is mind controlling your brain?"

                "Because I always do what she tells me to do!"

                "Why do you do that?"

                "Because she's mind controlling me! Tails, did you not listen?"

                "Ow, remember I'm going deaf."

                "Ugh! You're no help!"

                Sticks leaves, leaving Tails alone.

                "I should tell someone about this, shouldn't I?"

                Tails ended up telling the route to this problem, Amy. Which confused her, but she went to confront Sticks about it anyway.

                "Sticks! Sticks!" Amy knocks on the door

                "Go away!"

                "Sticks, why do you think I'm mind controlling you?"

                "Not important! Go away!"


                "Nope! Not falling for this one! I am free now!"

                "Sticks get out, now."


                Sticks unbolts all her locks and opens the door to nervously come out to Amy. Who is waiting for her, looking very concerned.

                "Sticks come on, you can tell me"

                "...I don't want to"

                "Sticks, come on, please?" Amy places her hand on Sticks' shoulder

                "Fine, it's because I always do what you say"



                " I don't know?"


                "It's because you're cute, okay?"


                "Okay, bye!" Sticks goes back inside her house and slams the door and locks every single one of her locks and then hides in her room. All while Amy blushes a bright red and goes back to her house, where she screams into her pillow. Amy thinks she ruined it.

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