chapter one

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"Adios amor" my boyfriend, Alejandro, says as he places a soft kiss on my lips.
"suerte" I reply as he waved goodbye and walks out of the door before shutting it behind him. I unpause my music that I had on, as I finish doing my makeup.


I was getting ready to head over to Old Trafford, for a match between Manchester United and Tottenham. My boyfriend, Alejandro Garnacho, was set to play this afternoon. Which has us both excited. It had been almost a year since I had moved in with him, and left my family in Barcelona behind. I was upset to leave, but I loved Alejandro, and I had made my decision. My parents not loving the idea so much, but they liked Alejandro, so they didn't mind. My brother, Eric Garcia, who had recently moved back to Spain from England, hated that I left.

Alejandro and I met when I came to Manchester a few years ago for work. I modeled here and there, but I was mostly known as an influencer, I liked to take photos when I travelled and did mini vlogs here and there, which people loved and one day I gained hundreds of thousands of followers. Alejandro and I are doing fine. I say this because of course things are always perfect in the beginning, but after time things change a bit. I still love him, but we've been arguing a bit more here and there. I try and shrug it off, I know I can be petty so maybe that's just it. But Alejandro has been getting a bit more upset than usual, and I'm not sure why that is. I know it can be stressful being a football player, and getting so much criticism so I try not to push his buttons too much.


I finished my makeup and began to change into my outfit.

As I was finishing up a get a call from my brother

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As I was finishing up a get a call from my brother.

Incoming call: Eric 🤓

hello hermanita, que tal?
bien bien, y tu?

Estoy bien. You look nice. Are you leaving to the match?
Yeah, I'm about to head out the door.

Ah okay. Te dejo ir. We can talk later.
Adios, cuídate.
Te quiero hermanita. Adiós.

I hung up the phone and place it in my purse. I make sure everything is turned off before I walk out of the apartment and take the elevator down to the lobby. My Uber is already waiting for me outside as I make my way to them. The wind hits me as I quickly walk into the backseat of the car.

"Good afternoon miss" he smiles as he begins to drive off.
"Hello" I reply as I look out the window.

Since we live pretty close by to the training facility and the city, i decided not to get a car at the moment. Alejandro had a car, but obviously it was his as well as the apartment so I didn't usually use it.

I admire the view of Manchester on a rainy day. It was beautiful, especially on a match day. The city filled with red as we approached the stadium.

After a few minutes we arrive at the stadium, and I get dropped off at the entrance. I thank the driver and exit the car. As I walk towards the stadium,  few fans recognize me and stop to say hello. They were all very kind and nice. The kids especially, I loved seeing them in their jerseys and hearing them talk about Alejandro. It made me so proud and happy. I hope one day to be able to have children of my own and pass down my love for football as well.

I begin to walk quickly as it begins to rain a bit harder, but thankfully I had a mini umbrella in my purse. I open it up and make my way inside finally. After being here so many times it was easy to find my seat. I took a seat and admired the stadium, it never got old. It was beautiful especially with the fans building up the atmosphere. The players were already warming up, and Alejandro waves and blows a kiss at me. I smile and wave back. I made small talk with the fans around me.

I didn't really have many friends here in Manchester besides a few of the other player girlfriends, but I was still fairly new so I didn't always sit with them. Either way the fans were so kind, that I didn't mind sitting with them.


Finally the match was about to begin. I quickly do the sign of the cross and pray for a good match. I tend to get anxious before a match, i hate seeing Alejandro upset when they lose. I never know what to do to calm him down.

The rain wasn't helping the players much, there was a lot of sliding and missed passes, but there was not much we could do. I was just happy Alejandro had been used as a starter, this rarely happened. He was playing pretty good, but Tottenham was playing even better. I could tell this was going to be a tough match.

It is now after the second half and it was 1-1, with goals from Son and Sancho, which was assisted by Alejandro. We were at the 58th minute when the referee blows the whistle to call for a substitution, I turn to look at who is coming off and I see the number 49. I sigh, but clap with as I see an upset Alejandro walk off the pitch. It appears he says something to the coach, but throws his hands up and walks to the bench anyway.

The match ends 2-1, with a loss from United. The atmosphere lessens a bit, the fans around me with their spirits low. I try my best to stay calm and not to look too sad. I follow the rest of the fans as we walk out of the stadium. I walk over to the player parking area so I can wait for Alejandro.

After a few minutes I see him walking closer to me, I can tell he is upset but still calm.
"Lista amor?" He says giving me a small smile as he wraps his arm around me. I nod as he leads me to his car. He puts his bag in the backseat as I get into the passenger seat. He reaches over to grab my hand as he begins to drive.

I try and make small talk because I know he doesn't usually like to talk about the match when they lose. He's now seems a bit more relaxed and calmed down.

We arrive to the apartment and he parks the car before we both get off. We head inside and take the elevator up the apartment.

"Ale, should we order takeout? Or want me to make something for dinner?" I smile as I sit on the couch ti take my shoes off.
"No I'm okay amor. Im tired, I just want to sleep" he replies as he walks over and sits next to me. He leans his head against the pillow and closes his eyes, leaving me to decide if I want to eat anything or not.


After eating some leftovers, I make my way over to turn off the tv. Ale is still fast asleep on the couch, so I dim the lamp. I turn all the other lights off as I make my way over to our bedroom. I change into my pjs and get into bed on my own.

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