Chspter fifty three

446 15 1

years later:

"Cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz" everyone sings along as Mateo blushes and smiles big.
"Blow out your candle amor, make your wish" I whisper and kiss his cheek. He leans over his cake and blows it out, causing us all to clap.

I pull him into the biggest his and kiss his cheek again.
"I love you so much Teo, never forget that" I smile. He looks up at me with his sweet, beautiful, brown eyes. The same exact eyes as Pedro's. He looks just like him everyday that he grows. And for whatever reason today I was missing him a little extra. Mateo deserved to have his father present, but of course this was our reality.
"Te quiero mamá" he says back and cups my face.

I look around at everyone who was with us celebrating. Alejandro of course, Mateo's babysitter, Anna, and a few of Alejandro's teammates. Anna and I had met during a gym class, and it turned out she was studying to be a teacher, so she offered to babysit Mateo and in return would start teaching him things, rather than sending him to daycare. Alejandro and Anna were my entire support system and I couldn't do this without them.

"Teo, we have one more gift for you. It's a surprise" Alejandro says. Mateo looks at him with glistening eyes and gets excited.
"It should be here now, let me go get it" Alejandro says. Mateo makes his way onto my lap and we wait patiently.

Suddenly the door opens and Alejandro signals them in. As he walks over, behind him is Eric! I had no idea that he was coming. Mateo hops off and runs over into his arms.
"Tio!" He cheers.
"Mateo, feliz cumpleaños! I've missed you" Eric says with tears in his eyes.

We hadn't seen each other but once since my parents passing. When Eric had a match in Manchester. I hadn't returned to Barcelona, it was too hard for me. Without my parents there, and having to see Pedro. Especially since he was dating that famous girl, Tania. They were all over the news and on billboards since she was a model. It hurt me to see that, so I decided not to return unless it was necessary.

I stand up and walk over toward Eric to greet him as well. He hugs me tight and kisses my forehead.
"I've missed you too Nani. So much"
"Me too. I'm sorry I didn't visit" I reply.
"You don't have to explain" he says.

He and Mateo talked often through FaceTime, and Mateo loved watching the Barcelona matches. His favorite player on the team was Frenkie. We watched every match, and on a good day he got to see his Tio play. I was so happy to see Eric here today, for them to spend time together. He's the only family we have left.

nanigarciafeliz cumpleaños Teo, mamá te quiere ❤️

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feliz cumpleaños Teo, mamá te quiere ❤️

Pedro POV
"My friends want to know if we're going to the club tonight?" Tania asks me as she turns to face me. We sat outside in our backyard on the chairs by the pool. She needed to tan for a modeling shoot she had coming up, and I kept her company.
I shrugged.
"If you want we can" I reply.
"Ugh! This is what I mean Pedro, you never want to do anything" she rolls her eyes.
"You know I don't like partying. I'd rather stay home, you should know that by now" I reply. She stays quiet and I go back on my phone.

I scroll through Instagram and come up on a photo. I stop and pause. It's Delaney and her son, Mateo.

She looks so happy, so calm, and beautiful. They look happy together, I can only imagine how good she is as a mother. She always had that motherly love for any child. I can't help but think, does he look like me though? I mean could he really be my son?

"Pedro! I'm talking to you!" I'm interrupted my Tania yelling.
"No! I'm not going. Let me be" I yell back and stand up to walk back inside.

Delaney POV
After the party, I began to clean up while Mateo spent time with Eric. Alejandro helped me by washing the dishes and i wiped down the kitchen counters and table.

We were still living with Alejandro. I told him we could find our own place, but he insisted we stay. He didn't like living alone. So we promised that once he found a girlfriend we would move out so we wouldn't invade. I paid my portion of the rent, and helped him out with bills. I recently began a model job, and was helping out with the Manchester social media page too. So I had money saved up for anything we might need.

"Get ready Mateo, it's time for bed soon" I call out from the kitchen. He nods and begins to clean up. The time he's been spending with Anna has really helped. He's learned so much for only being 3 years old.

"Nani, can we talk?" Eric says walking over. I nod.
"I have one last gift for Mateo . But I need to check with you first, if it's okay" he says. I nod.
"I know he loves Barcelona and watching us play and all. I got tickets for you both to come to the next match at home. I know you don't like being in Barcelona, but I thought-"
"Eric, it's okay. It's no problem. Thank you so much. He's going to be so happy" I smile.
"Yes. Anything for Mateo" I look over at Mateo who had just finished cleaning up.
"But can we tell him tomorrow? He won't sleep if I explain it to him tonight" I laugh. Eric nods.

We finish cleaning and I walk over to grab Mateo.
"Night night Ale!" Mateo calls out.
"Buenas noches Teo. Feliz cumpleaños" Alejandro smiles and kisses his forehead. I carry him over to his room and get him into his pjs. I give him is bottle with water, we're still working on letting go.

He walks over and lays in his bed. I cover him and read him his bedtime story.
"Buenas noches amor. Te quiero" I whisper and kiss his cheek.
"Te quiero mamá" he smiles before drifting off.

I close the door quietly and walk over to the living room. Eric and I catch up on everything and hang out with Alejandro. I'm really nervous but excited for Mateo to go back to Barcelona. But what could go wrong?

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