Chapter thirty eight

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the next morning

I made breakfast for Alejandro and I while I waited for him to wake. I was a bit sore from sleeping on the sofa, but I didn't complain. As I finished serving the plates I heard a loud sound come from the room.
"Fuck!" I hear Alejandro yell. I rush over to the room and see him on the floor.
"Alejandro! What are you doing?" I say as I reach down to help him up. I get him back onto the bed slowly. He winces in pain as he sits.
"I was trying to get to the kitchen" he gives a small smile. I lightly smack him.
"Don't scare me, you should have asked for help" I take a deep breath.

I can tell he's in pain because he holds onto his arm with the cast.
"Sorry I didn't want to bother you" he sighs. I smile so he doesn't feel bad.
"Fine. Let's get you up" I say.

I wrap his arm around my shoulder and he leans onto me as we slowly walk to the kitchen. He's heavy but I do my best to make it all the way. I place him on the sofa, and walk back toward the kitchen. I grab the breakfast and take it back to him.
"Gracias Nani" he smiles like a child.

I grab my plate and begin to eat as well. He turns the news on where they're talking sports.

"I spoke with my mom this morning. She won't be able to get her visa until 60-90 days" he sighs.
"Oh, how come?"
"I'm not sure but you know you don't have to stay, I can-"
"I mean I can stay a bit longer until we find someone who can come help you. You already fell once I'm not going to let you fall again" I smile.
"You sure? I was an asshole to you"
"My parents taught me to forgive. I was hurt but I'll try to move on if you do" I say.
"I promise I will" he says with a smile.

We finish having breakfast and I clean up the kitchen. We had Alejandro's first session of physical therapy today so we had to get ready.


After physical therapy, we stopped by the training facility so Alejandro could meet with the team. I was feeling a bit weird about all of this, but Alejandro did seem changed. And I could tell he knew his place, and he wasn't trying to get me to go back with him or anything. We were just getting along well as the good friends we used to be.

On the entire way to the training center I was feeling very sick. I had been since the morning but shrugged it off. When we arrive I help Alejandro get down and we walk inside.

"Hey, you okay? You don't look great" he says to me. I shake my head.
"I've been feeling sick. I'm not sure what's wrong" I sigh and take a deep breath. He makes a worried look.
"Let's have the medics check you, I'm sure they won't mind" he says. I nod and we make our way down to the doctors office in the center.

We enter and I begin to explain what I've been feeling, he agreed to do some tests on me and in the meantime Alejandro waits outside.


"Well, I found what the issue is" the doctor says with a smile as he enters the room. I raise my eyebrow as he looks at me and hands me a paper.
"You're pregnant!" He cheers. My face drops and I feel myself get more sick.
"Wait, what?"
"Yep! It seems you're still early on but the test is pretty accurate. You can check with your normal doctor to be sure but I'm certain" he says with a smile.
"Oh, I'm um thank you" I take a deep breath and just walk out.

Shit. Shit. Shit. This can't be. Not now. I begin to recap the past few weeks and everything adds up. I didn't know what to do I felt so alone. And Pedro was mad at me he wasn't answering my texts or calls. I realized I still had to tell him though.

I met with Alejandro back in the waiting room while he did his therapy exercises.
"Everything okay?" He gives a small smile. I break down in tears.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He tries to stand up but I tell him to sit.
"I'm pregnant ale" I cry. He pulls me to his side and hugs me.
"Hey, hey. I know this is huge news but don't freak out, okay? It's not good for you" he rubs my back and tries to calm me.

But I couldn't. How could I when Pedro wasn't talking to me? When I knew this wasn't the best time to receive this news.

"Look, everything will work out. I promise. I'm sure Pedro will be beyond happy. You should go meet him, tell him" he says wiping my tears.
"But what if-"
"Nani. He'll be happy I promise. I can tell he really loves you" he replies. I nod.

"Let's get you a ticket back home when we get back to the apartment. This is really important for you" he smiles.
"Gracias ale" I hug him back.


When we get back to the apartment I buy my plane ticket for tomorrow morning. It'll all work out perfectly because the champions league final is in two days. I'll get to tell Pedro the big news before the final. I'm sure he'll be happy. Maybe this was the sign that everything was going to work out. Everything was going to be fine.

Or so I thought..

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