chapter six

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the next morning.

"Buenos días hermanita" eric smiles as he walks into my room. I yawn as I return the smile.
"Buenos días"
"I know I was supposed to be off today, but Xavi asked me to come in for an hour. Quieres ir conmigo?" Eric asks me as he pouts.
"Si, if I'm allowed"
"Of course you are! Get ready, we'll leave as soon as we can" he replies walking back out the door.

I look around admiring the work Eric and I did with my room.

It's minimal and not too much, but I love it

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It's minimal and not too much, but I love it.

I pick an outfit and walk over to change, since I showered last night after everyone left. I had a great time, we ended up staying up pretty late.

I brush my hair after getting ready and apply my makeup.

I walk downstairs to meet with Eric who is sitting on the couch already.
"Lista? I was thinking we could grab some cafe from the shop nearby" Eric smiles as he stands up.
"Sounds fine to me" I reply as we begin to walk out the door. We get into the car as he drives off towards the training field.

We make a pit stop at the coffee shop and order our coffees to go. We get back into the car and continue on our way. As we get closer to the stadium I remember how much I loved coming here as a kid. The beautiful city.

We finally make it to the training center and Eric parks his car. Fans are outside waiting as we approach. He stops to take pictures and sign things. A few fans even ask to take a picture with me, which I always love.

We walk inside, and Eric leads me outside. He wasn't coming to train since he was off, but they had a team meeting after the training so we were going to wait until they finished.

Eric walks up to Xavi as I follow behind. They hug each other before I make it to them.
"Xavi this is mi hermana, Delaney. Delaney, this is Xavi but you already knew that" Eric laughs.
"Nice to meet you, it's an honor to meet you" I say shaking Xavis hand.
"I'm glad to finally meet you too. Eric always speaks highly of you" Xavi replies.

We stand nearby and watch the guys train. Pedri stops to smile and wave at me before he gets told to continue. I smile and wave back, trying to hide my laugh at him getting in trouble. It's funny how things are in person just as they are on tv at times. Gavi seems to really take training seriously and even gets upset when he makes a wrong pass. The anger overtakes his body, causing the rest of the time to laugh and mess around with him.

"Don't worry, he messes with us too" Eric whispers to me. I shake my head in understanding and smile. I was so happy that my brother was playing the Barcelona team, I know he always wanted to come back home and play here since he grew up in La Masia.

Training is nearing the end, as the players lightly jog one by one over to Xavi. He motions over for Eric and I to approach him as well. The players now stand in a half-circle in front of us as they cool down.

"Everyone, we have a special guest here today. Delaney, who is Eric's sister" Xavi points in my direction as I smile and look down.
"It's so nice to meet all of you, I'm a big fan" I reply.

Xavi continues to talk with the team before letting them go. Eric's closest friends come up to us to speak with Eric first.

"Hola, nice to officially meet you. I'm Pablo, well Pablo Torre" he smiles shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you too"
He begins a conversation with me, before Ansu turns to look at me.
"Pablito, she has a boyfriend. Don't get the wrong ideas" Ansu laughs.
"I wasn't-"
"Actually, we're not together anymore" I reply.
"Wait, who was your boyfriend?" Pablo asks
"Alejandro Garnacho" Ansu replies. I nod and sigh.
"She was too good for him anyway" Pedri says as he joins the conversation. I smile, as eveyone goes back to their own conversations.
"Thank you" I whisper to him.
"I mean it. Eres muy guapa" he blushes, causing me to smile and blush.
"I don't know about that" I laugh.
"You are. And I had a good time hanging out with all is us last night"
"I did too. And I'm sorry about the incident in the kitchen, that was embarrassing I'm sorry"
"Don't worry about it. I know how it feels. But anyways, I don't mean to be too forward but maybe we could hang out sometime?" He says looking down.

The rest of the guys begin walking away towards the inside, with Eric along with them. They hadn't heard our conversation.

"I'd like that. I can use some company" I reply.
"Great, that's great. Here, can I give you my number?"
"Of course" I hand him over my phone so he can type it in. He hands it back as I place it in my pocket.

"Hurry up guys!" Eric yells. We begin walking inside as well. The players all went to shower and get dressed, and Eric and I waited in the conference room. Eventually the rest of the players join us, as Xavi gets ready to speak.

They begin to talk about upcoming matches and such, and I sit and pay attention for some of it. My phone vibrates and I pull it out to see who it is. I notice it's Angela, my manager.

Angela (manager)

Hey, hope all is well with you. I'm reaching out because I have an amazing opportunity!!

Hey Angela, all is fine. Ooh about?

Well, it's with you and Alejandro. A clothing company really would like you two to model some things for them. Once you say yes, I'll just reach out to his manager.

Oh, um sorry this is how I tell you but we're actually not together anymore.

What? Why? Really?

Yes, it's complicated. Sorry.

That's okay, but we did have the meet and greet schedules with the two of you next month in London, so we'll have to make a statement and let the fans know...

Shit. I forgot about that! Okay, sure what do I have to do?

I'll set up an interview, and we'll just have to have you speak with them.

Okay. But can you find someone to do it in Barcelona? I'm here now, I've moved now.

Sure, let me see what I can do. I'll fly over sometime next week to meet with you.

Okay, thank you.

See you soon.

I set my phone down as Xavi begins to wrap up the conversation.

"Everything okay?" My brother asks
"Yeah, I'll tell you when we get home" I reply.

We grab our things and begin to get up. The players say their goodbyes to each other and myself, as we all walk out the door. Pedri jogs up to us, and does his handshake with Eric.

"I'll see you around" he smiles at me.
"See you!" I reply.

Eric and I begin walking to the car and get inside.
"What was that about?" He asks as he starts the car.
"We're just becoming friends is all"
"Okay, well I just don't want you to rush into something new"
"Fine fine. But I don't want to talk about this" I reply. He sighs and drives off towards the house.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now