Chapter thirty six

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I turn to Eric who sits at my side.
"What's wrong?" He asks leaning toward me to only he can hear. I sigh.
"You have that look on your face, I know something is wrong" he gives me a small smile. I nod.

I explain to him the situation and the phone call I received.

"I feel like I should go Eric. I don't wish for anything bad to happen when I could potentially help"
"Of course. I understand, I know it's a hard situation but he is still a human after all. Do you feel okay going on your own?"
I look over at Pedro and back at Eric.
"I'll be okay. I hope Pedro understands" I say. Eric shrugs.

I turn to face Pedro and lightly poke him. He smiles and turns to me.
"Todo bien?" He says with the sweetest smile ever.
"Amor, I'm sorry to do this but the hospital just called again, they need me to go back" I look down and avoid eye contact as I play with the promise ring he gave me.
He stays silent and I look up. His expression changed, his jaw is clenched now.
"What? But why? Why can't anyone else go?"
"His family can't make it, they're stuck in Spain still. They can't travel, and he has no one else" I explain.
"I mean if you want to go I guess" he says annoyed
"I just don't want anything bad to happen to him-"
"Why do you care though? He hurt you! I don't get it" he rolls his eyes.
"I'm sorry you're hurt Pedro. But I have to go, I hope you can understand and you'll forgive me".

He shrugs and turns away. I stand up before I get more upset. I kiss his cheek goodbye as he still ignores me. I turn to Eric and give him a hug.
"Keep an eye on him please" I whisper. Eric nods.
"Call me if you need anything" he says. I nod and walk away.

I take an Uber to the hospital and leave without anyone noticing. Tears fall down my face as I try to calm down and tell myself this is the right choice. If it was the other way around I know Alejandro would do the same. Deep down in my heart I know this is the right decision. I hope Pedro will understand one day.


I arrive in the hospital and walk directly to his room. The doctor is inside when I enter. Alejandro has his head bandaged, some of the bruises are more visible now.
The doctor smiles as he sees me, he walks over and begins to explain everything. Suddenly we feel movement behind and Alejandro begins to move.
"Where a- where am I?" He stutters and speaks slowly. We walk over and the doctor tries to calm him down.
"Sir, clam down. Everything's okay. You were in a terrible accident, we have to have surgery on you. We're going to prepare soon" the doctor explains. Alejandro makes a confused look.

He then makes eye contact with me and gives a surprised look.
"Nani?" He smiles
"Yes it's me" I smile back.
"Why- wh- I'm happy to see you" he takes a deep breath. I walk over and place my hand on his chest.
"You'll be okay Alejandro. Try and rest you'll need to be strong" I say.

He sighs and slows his breathing.

I contact Alejandro's mother and we talk though her decision so I can sign the paperwork. Once I do, the doctor has me wait around while the nurses begin to prepare him for the next procedure. In the event that something goes wrong, they need me to stay here.

I call Pedro a few times but he doesn't respond. I decide to text him just to be sure.

amor, I hope things are going well. Ik you're upset but I'm still at the hospital, I have to stay a bit longer than anticipated.

how much longer?

I'm not sure yet, maybe through the night..

seriously? why?

well Alejandro woke up but they need to prepare his next surgery

why can't he just answer for himself? and why are you there with him awake?

pedro, I already explained to you please understand. I'm sorry this is hurting

whatever if you really cared you'd be here with me now, I don't want to talk anymore. bye

I wipe my tears and shut my phone. Why is he being an ass? Is he right? But Eric understood me and he knows me. He knows I wouldn't want to wish anything bad on anyone. If Pedro doesn't understand maybe he doesn't know me well.

I put my phone away and walk back into the room. The doctor is exposing the procedure to Alejandro as he's putting him to sleep with the medication.

Once he's asleep the nurse walks in to begin to take him to the operating room. I sit on the sofa and scroll on TikTok for awhile to clear my mind. I text Eric letting him know how things are going.


It's now been a few hours and the surgery is still finishing up. It's late into the night and I'm very tired. Pedro silenced his notifications and wasn't answering me. Eric let me know not to worry about himi, and to give him some space. I took a nap in the meantime so I could rest.

I wake up to messages on my phone.

you really disappointed me tonight. I'm sorry I can't understand your decision. I need space I can't comprehend why you chose to be with him in this moment. I booked a flight tonight back to Barcelona. I couldn't see you I know I would just hurt you. Be safe and I hope you're happy with your decision.

I drop my phone in shock. I call him multiple times but no answer. Was he really doing this to me? I didn't think it was that big of a deal? Why was he responding this way? I cried hysterically and slammed my fist against the wall. I didn't want him to leave. I love him. I love him so much.

I called Eric but he didn't answer either. Suddenly the doctors walk in with Alejandro in the bed. He's still with his eyes closed.

"Good news! Everything went well! Now we just wait for him to wake up. Hopefully by morning. We'll need to do a few tests before he leaves but then you can sign the discharge papers" the doctor explains. I try and hide the fact that I'm crying and simply nod.

He leaves the room, leaving me alone with Alejandro. Since it's late at night, I turn the light off to get some rest. However I know I won't be able to sleep.

I cry as I look out the window. I can't believe this is happening again. And like always it's because of Alejandro. But I didn't think I did anything wrong. Why can't Pedro just understand?

I cry myself to sleep as I pass out on the chair that faces the window. Maybe this is all a dream and I'll wake up tomorrow and Pedro will still be here.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now