Chapter Sixty Three

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Pedro POV
Another week passed, and still nothing. Mateo and I were doing great with getting to know each other. But every night was harder for him. He would cry to sleep some nights, asking for his mom. And all I could do was hug him and try to comfort him. I hated seeing him this way, knowing there wasn't much I could do.

Today I planned to go over to my house and clean things up, grab a few things I needed since it seemed I was staying longer than expected. While there, I promised Mateo I'd let him use the pool I had. Olivia thought it was okay so she would meet us there after she finished at the hospital.


We ate breakfast together and head our separate ways. Our first stop before going home was to the store. Mateo didn't have a swimsuit so that was our first task.  As I drove Mateo pointed out the things he saw around the city that reminded him of his mom. Her favorite color, the car she drove back at home, her favorite flowers even. For his age he was very attentive and it seemed he was such a caring boy. I sort of felt bad, maybe he became like this because there wasn't anyone else around. If only I had listened to Delaney, took a few minutes to listen. We would be a happy family and all of this wouldn't have happened.

I clear my thoughts as we arrive at the store.
"Okay Mateo, let's put this cap on, and remember to stay close to me at all times" I say. He nods and I take him out of his car seat. I put my sunglasses on and my hoodie to avoid anyone recognizing me. I didn't want them to ask any questions and didn't want Mateo to get uncomfortable.

We head straight to the children's section and he picks out a swimsuit. We pay and rush out.
"That was fun" Mateo giggles as we get back into the car.
"You did good. We are quick" I say. He smiles looking proudly at himself through the mirror.

I drive to my brother is still away at his cooking school, so I wanted to make sure all was good at the house. Hopefully by now Tania had her things out.

We arrive and I grab the bag and Mateo and head inside. I unlock the door and to my surprise and stopped by Tania on the sofa making out with some guy.
"Tania? What the fuck?!"
"Oh my- Pedro. Baby this isn't what it looks like" she laughs. I set Mateo down who hides behind me.
"What are you doing here? Get the fuck out of my house!" I yell as I go toward them. The guy stands up and tries to get up close to me. I shove him and he shoves me back. He throws a punch, landing straight at my eye. It feels like shards of glass, and I punch back at his nose. Tania screams and pushes us away from each other.
"Leave my fucking house and don't ever come back" I say to him as I shove him toward the door. He laughs and walks out.
"Pedro what then hell?"
"No tania don't start acting innocent. You were supposed to be out a week ago. This isn't your home anymore"
"But Pedro- baby. Please we can work it out" she comes near me and wipes the blood off my face.
"Leave me alone. We're done, we're over. I don't want to ever see you again"
She laughs.
"Is this still about that little boy? He doesn't like you, you didn't even want him. Stop trying to be the hero to some kid"
"Fuck off tania! Get out now or I'm calling the police. I'll have my assistant pack your shit. Leave and don't ever speak of my son like that"
"What kind of dad loses their son? Mateo ran out the door awhile ago" she laughs as she walks out. I look over and notice he's gone.
"Mateo! Mateo!" I call out as I look everywhere.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Where is he??

"Mateo! Mateo please come out! It's okay" I yell. I look everywhere, across the street and in the car.

I hear rustling near the bush and run over.
He slowly comes out, sucking his thumb.
"Mateo! I'm so glad you're okay. Come here" I say. He shakes his head.
"I want my titi Olivia" he pouts.
"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?"
"I'm scared" he cries.

I realize he was probably traumatized by the fight he saw. I felt terrible.
"Mateo, I'm sorry you saw that. But it's okay, I won't hurt you, I promise"
"Can we call Olivia?" He cries.
I sigh and nod.

I call her and she says she's already on her way. I sit outside with Mateo, a few feet away because he doesn't want me near him. I feel like a terrible person. I shouldn't have fought someone in front of him.


Olivia arrives and rushes over.
"Pedro? What happened to you, you look terrible" she says confused. Mateo runs over into her arms.
"I want to go home" he cries.
"What happened Teo?"
I sigh.
"The hospital messaged me on the way here. We need to head to the hospital now" Olivia says as she takes Mateo into her arms. He lays his head on her shoulder. I nod.
"I'm sorry for scaring him" I say with tears in my eyes.
"Pedro, it's not your fault. I'm sure you had a reason. Let's just go, we'll talk on the way" she says. I nod and we head to the car.

The entire drive there I feel like an ass. Mateo won't even look at me. I hold a tissue up to my nose that bleeds, and my bruised eye slowly starts to turn purple.


We arrive to the hospital and are taken immediately to the room. Before we enter the doctor waits outside.
"Okay. There's great news. Both of them have woken miraculously around the same time! We're running tests to see how things were affected. We're still working on it so please take it slowly with them.

Olivia and I look at each other. Mateo lifts his head up and smiles.
"I should stay out here, I don't want to-"
"Pedro, it won't be a problem. But if you want to, take your time. Why don't you call Alejandro and ferran for me, please?"
"You know I don't-"
"Okay fine" I agree. She walks in leaving me in the hall.

We're so close but split by the wall. I wish I could run in there and apologize for everything. For hurting her how I did and breaking my promise. But I can't. Something holds me back and I can't man up to do it. Deep down I know I love her and we're meant to be together. I just hope she feels the same.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now