chapter ten

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A few hours later we hear the front door open.
"Ya llegue!" Eric yells as we hear the door shut. Pedri and I get up from the couch to meet him in the living room.

Eric smiles at the two of us and does his handshake with Pedri. I give him a quick hug as he sets his gym bag down.
"How was practice?" I ask sitting on the couch.
"Good. Xavi says I'll get to play this next match" Eric replies walking over to grab himself a glass of water. I smile in excitement for my brother.

It's been awhile since he's been able to play the full 90 minutes, I understand there are many other players, and with Busquetes available there aren't many changes to the squad, ever. So it means so much that I'll be able to watch Eric play.

"One step closer in the Europa league " Pedri chimes in. Eric nods and suddenly freezes as if he remembers something.
"It's against United isn't it?" I ask. He looks full of guilt and nods.
"Oh, um. I-"
"Ugh. I'm so sorry hermanita. I can't believe I forgot" Eric shakes his head.
"Sorry Eric. I really want to go watch you play the full match. But I'm not sure how I feel about going" I reply. Pedri looks at us both as he finally starts to realize what we're talking about.
"It's okay. I get it" he gives a small smile.

I can tell that he's upset about it, but he doesn't want me to feel bad. I hate the situation because he does so much for me, and I want to be there for him.
"I'm going to go shower, I'll be back" he says getting up and walking to his room.

I shake my head as I'm annoyed with myself.
"Hey, it's not your fault. He'll get another chance to play" pedri says.
"I just hate how Alejandro isn't even in my life anymore but he's still affecting it. Why does he always have to get in the way of everything"
"Well.... I know it's hard but, you do have control of your life. Don't let him affect your happiness. You could still go, if you felt good enough to. We could set up security, and plus he'll be on the field, he won't be able to hurt you. I'll be there to be sure nothing happens off the field. I'll protect you, lo prometo" he smiles and grabs my hand. He places it in his and rubs it, as I calm down.

"Just think about it. You do have the option" he smiles.
"Gracias Pedro. You're right. I'll think about it tonight, and I'll let you both know" I reply.

Eric walks back out to the living room, and he still seems upset but a bit more relaxed.
"Time to cook? I'm starving" he says as ge walks toward the kitchen. Pedri and I both laugh as he helps me off the couch.

We walk towards the kitchen to find Eric inspecting the ingredients. I set up my camera to film, while they grab all our supplies.

nanigarcia mis dos chefs 🫶👤ericgm, pedri 726,927 likes

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mis dos chefs 🫶
👤ericgm, pedri

user1: ahhh Los amo
pedri: oui oui 🥣
pablogavi: don't burn the house down •_•
user2: sibling goals


We finish up dinner and prepare for the taste test. We set the table, and serve our plates.
"Nani, you should go first" Eric smiles as he looks up at me. I smile and go ahead and try it.

"Okay, that was pretty amazing. It's delicious" I say grabbing another bite. They both laugh and go ahead and try it as well. Somehow we did a good job together, it came out better than expected.

We eat dinner and hang out for the rest of the night. It's always nice to just spend time at home, and I love how the 3 of us get along.

The boys help clean the kitchen while I clean the table. I keep thinking about what pedri said, and the truth is I felt bad. He was right, and I think I knew what I wanted to do.

We walk over to the living room to watch tv before it gets too late.
"So..." I say causing them both to look over at me.
"I decided that I'll go to Manchester with you guys. I don't want to miss your first full match in awhile hermanito" I smile as I lean on Eric's shoulder. I watch as his eyes light up with joy.
"Really? Are you sure? Only if you're comfortable I don't want you to feel-"
"I promise. I'll feel okay. Plus I have my two bodyguards with me" I say and look at both of them. They laugh.
"Gracias Nani, this means a lot" Eric says and hugs me. I smile and we go back to watching tv.

Eventually Eric falls asleep leaving pedri and I.
"He's such a baby" I whisper to pedri so Eric won't wake up. He giggles and nods.
"Thanks for helping me feel better about the situation" I say. He smiles and nods.
"I meant it. I promise nobody will hurt you as long as im with you. I'll protect you, always princesa" he blushes and holds my hand once again. I lean in and peck his lips.
"Gracias Pedro" I smile. I lean my head on his shoulder as we go back to finishing the movie.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now