Chapter twenty one

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*smut warning*

After the long trip here and having dinner, we decide to head to bed early. I decide to have one last surprise for Pedri. I walk to the bathroom and change into a lacy black thong and matching bra. I throw on my robe, and walk back to the bedroom. It seemed he had the same ideas because he sits on the bed, candles lit around the room. In his sweatpants. He smirks and signals for me to walk over.

I blush and walk over to him. He sits on the edge of the bed, and pulls me in between his legs. He begins to kiss me softly, each kiss so full of passion.

"Te amo tanto guapa" he says between his kisses.
"Y yo más" i smile. He picks me up and lays me carefully on the bed, he unwraps my robe and smirks.
I feel his hands begin to caress my breasts all the way to the hem of my thong. Our lips continuing to move in perfect sync, never letting go. I begin to trace my hands along his chest. I use my other arm to place on his back, and pull us closer together. He's gentle but eager, I can see the same desire in his eyes that he always has. The way he turns me on and makes me feel sexy and makes me feel loved. He begins to stroke my panties and eventually removes them, as he gets closer I feel his bulge.
"Pedro..." I moan, wanting more.
"Me vuelves loco princesa" his raspy voice says. He carefully takes his boxers off. I feel his fingers back near my intimate. Slowly they start pumping in and out, causing me to scratch his back, taking in the pleasure. I moan his name, not worried if the neighbors would hear. I can tell this makes him even more turned on. He puts each finger in his mouth before then inserting himself.

The rest isn't important...

Last night was amazing. Of course we'd done it multiple times but it never got old and I always felt the same pleasure and desire for him. It was even more special last night, so full of emotion and love.
"Buenos días mi amor" he whispers in my ear, I smile and kiss his lips.
"Te amo Pedro"
"Y yo a ti" he blushes. He holds me in his arms as I run my fingers along his chest. Seeing the marks we left on each others chests.

Eventually we get up, ready for the day. We agreed to meet his parents for breakfast. I'm really nervous, I'd only met them twice before today. And I'm not sure if they liked me. I shower and choose a simple outfit. I walk out to do my makeup and hair while Pedro showers.

When we're ready, I grab my bag and we head out. He explains that he made a reservation at a cafe nearby so it's only a few minute walk.

nanigarcia posted on their story: por las calles de Tenerife 🫶🏼

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nanigarcia posted on their story: por las calles de Tenerife 🫶🏼


We make it to the cafe and his parents are already there. They smile and stand up as we arrive.
"Buenos días" pedro says to then, he hugs and kisses them both.
"Gordo, te extrañamos" his mother says.
"Mami, don't call me gordo in front of her" pedri blushes. I smile.
"Buenos días don Fernando" i hug him and shake his hand.
"Hija, cómo estás?" He replies with a smile.
"Hija, we're so happy to see you. So happy for you both on this special day" his mother tells me. We hug and she kisses my forehead.

Instantly I feel more relaxed. They were both so kind and sweet to me. We take our seats in front of them.
"Fernando comes tomorrow, so we'll see him then" Pedro explains.
"Ah yes, he did tell us. He-" his father begins to say,
"Never mind" His father says with a smile.
I shrug it off and continue looking at the menu.


Breakfast goes great. They learned a lot about me just as I did about them. And the stories that they tell of Pedro as a child are funny and so adorable. I'm glad they seem to be accepting of me. I couldn't be happier.

"Are you sure you don't want to come stay at the house? We could make space" his father asks.
"It's okay, Fernando can sleep in our old room when he arrives" Pedro smiles.
"Maybe we can go over? I would love to see where you grew up" I smile.
"My parents will be busy at the Tasca, but tomorrow" Pedro reassures me.
"Oh okay"
"We'd love to have you over. We can have dinner together, I can invite your abuelita" his mother says.

We all agree to meet up tomorrow at their house. Since they own the restaurant nearby, they're usually busy all day. We hangout for a few more minutes until they have to go.
"Nos vemos mañana" his mother smiles as she hugs me.

They walk out of the restaurant, leaving us alone.
"That went great, right?" He says with excitement in his eyes.
"It was amazing. They're so sweet, i can tell where you get it from" I smile and cup his face, placing a kiss on his lips.

We pay the bill and walk out hand in hand. He's stopped by a few people who ask for photos and such. He's very loved by everyone here. I've also fallen in love with the town, it's beautiful. I follow him as we walk around, no real destination.

Eventually we make it to he main part of town, a garden sits in the middle. There are benches and trees all around and they lead to a beautiful Cathedral. We find a bench and sit together. I lean my head on his shoulder as we look around.

"This is where Fernando and I grew up playing futbol with our friends. My father and the neighbors would always complain because we would knock things over" he laughs and I can see him reminiscing.
"And I bet you didn't let them stop you" I smile looking up at him.
"No, I'd come here everyday" he laughs.

We watch some children play futbol, and he cheers them on. I can tell he'd be a great father. The happiness in his eyes.

"Pedri! Can you play with us?" A young boy smiles walking over. He looks over at me.
"Go, play with them. It would make them so happy" I say to him. He smiles, kisses my lips and runs off.
"Eww" the boys laugh when we kiss, causing us both to laugh.
"Oye! When you meet a beautiful girl like me and make her your girlfriend, you'll want to kiss her all day" he says to the boys. They smile and wave at me.

They begin to play as I watch them from the bench. Pedri let's them win sometimes but also is tough on them. It seems that they have more fun that way. He shows them a few tricks and explains to them a few skills.

I grab my phone to take a picture when I see a notification on my phone.

1 Instagram message from: Garnacho7

hola nena, como estás ? I miss you, can we see each other to talk, please. I promise I don't do anything bad.

please don't message me Alejandro.

I clear the message off and turn my phone off.

Eventually the parents of the children call them over. Pedro signs their jerseys they have on, and they run off. He meets me back at the bench, all sweaty.

"Todo bien amor?" He smiles walking over.
"Si, did they tire you out?" I smile and stand up.
"Not as much as you last night" he smirks, causing me to blush.
"Pedro!" I smile and wrap my arms around him. He kisses my forehead and grabs my hand so we can leave.

"That was sweet of you to play with them"
"I need to practice for when we have our own kids"
"Oh yeah? So we're having kids together?" I smirk and try to hide my smile.
"Mhm, after we get married. Two boys, and then a beautiful princess" he kisses my cheek.
"You don't get to choose the order" I laugh.
"Trust me, I know how it'll go"
"You're that confident, huh?"
"Siempre. Mateo, Nicolás, y -"
"At least let me choose the girl name" I laugh.
"Okay, deal. Do you love the other two?"
"I do. You did a good job"
"One day we'll bring them all here and tell them this story. It'll be the happiest day of my life. After we get married" he winks.
"Te quiero tanto amor" I smile and stop to look at him.
"Te quiero cada día un poco mas" he replies. I stand on my tiptoes and place a kiss on his lips.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now