chapter thirteen

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I help pedri sit down on the bench in the tunnel.
"Should we take you to see the medics?" I say concerned. He looks upset, and in pain.
"Pedro, look at me"
He sighs and looks up at me, his eyes a bit watery.
"What's wrong lindo? I hate seeing you this way" I wipe his tears away. I put my hand in his, and look right into his eyes.

"Pedri, let's get you checked out" the athletic trainer yells as he runs over with a medic. I stand to the side, with my hand still in his. As they begin to stretch it out, he squeezes my hand a bit. I rub his back, trying to calm him.

They bring him a set of crutches, and they help him up.
"We'll have to do more tests when we get back home. But the lotion should reduce the pain for now" the medic says. Pedri nods as he places the crutches under his arms.

"Sorry about that" he says turning to me. The medics walk away.
"It's okay. I hate seeing you hurt, it breaks my heart"
"No, I meant with Garnacho. I should have beat his ass. I should have-" he says getting frustrated.
"Hey, don't worry about all that. I'm more worried about you right now" I say putting my hand on his chest. He takes a deep breath, nods, and smiles.
"See, such a beautiful smile" I look up at him and kiss his cheek.
"Gracias princesa. We should head out now, just in case anything else happens". I nod as I follow beside him. We make it to the exit, where the bus is waiting for the players outside.

"Ready to go?" One of the coaches says looking at Pedri.
"Oh, um yeah. But what about you?" Pedri looks at me.
"I'll take an Uber back. I'll meet you at the hotel"
"Are you sure? I-"
"I'm sure Pedro. I'll be okay" I reply. He sighs.
"Okay, please call me if you need anything"
"I will. I'll see you soon" I kiss his cheek as the trainer smiles and helps Pedri up the stairs on the bus.

I text sira quickly to see if she was still here. She replies back, telling me she thought I was going on the bus, so she's already left. I call myself an Uber, and wait inside for a few minutes.

They tell me they're close by, so I walk out to the curb. It's a bit rainy so I throw my hoodie on.
"Nani" I hear as I feel a tap on my shoulder. Instantly I recognize the voice, I freeze.
"Nani, look at me please" he says.

I slowly turn around and face Alejandro.
"What do you want?"
"Look, first off let's just have a calm normal conversation. No need to escalate things" he laughs. But I'm not in the mood for his jokes.
"Okay... well actually what are you doing out here? It's raining, I can give you a ride or-"
"No I don't need a ride from you. And I'm fine standing out here" I reply. He shakes his head and smiles.
"Look, I just wanted to see if we could sit down and talk about us. I miss you, and I want to know what happened, where it went wrong" he puts his arm on my shoulder.
I roll my eyes, "look Alejandro. I honestly just had enough. What's worse is that you don't even know what caused me to get upset. You haven't apologized and you're acting like you did nothing wrong"
"I didn't though. It was just you overreacting-"
"See! This is why I can't have a normal conversation with you. Until you think about what you've done we can talk. But I'm done. I'm don't being afraid I-" he grabs my arm and pulls me to the side.
"Shh! Don't fucking yell at me in front of everyone!" He says raising his voice. He squeezes my arm and I squirm and pull it out.
"Let me go. You're crazy. You need to take some anger management" I push him away.

My Uber pulls up suddenly.
"And by the way, I've found someone who is thoughtful and loving and sweet. And isn't a douche like you. So I want to move on with him and be happy for once in my life" I say as I open the door.
"Pedro is a nobody. He'll never be better than me " Alejandro says laughing, but I can tell he's getting annoyed.
"You know that's not true. Let me be Alejandro.  If you really care about me, let me move on" I get into the Uber and shit the door.

The driver greets me and drives away, as I watch Alejandro shake his head and smack the wall.


I arrive at the hotel, and make my way inside. I take the elevator upstairs to Eric and I's room. As I walk in, I find the boys there as well. I run over to Eric and give him the biggest hug.
"I'm so proud of you hermanito. You were great" I say.
"Gracias. Where were you? We were starting to get worried" he says pulling away.
I look over at Pedri and Gavi, and then take a seat.
"I ran into Alejandro again, while waiting for the Uber. But I'm okay" I reassure them. Pedri looks upset and concerned, but I nod reassuring him I'm fine.
"I can't wait to get out of Manchester. That boy is everywhere" Eric sighs but then laughs.

"Well we leave tonight, so it'll be fine" Gavi says.
"Yeah, let's just forget about it all, everything's fine" I smile.
"Good" Eric replies. He walks over to turn the play station on, and he and Gavi get closer to the tv to start playing.

I make my way over and sit next to Pedri. He had his injured leg wrapped, and with some nice.
"Cómo estás ? How do you feel?" I say while looking at his leg.
"I'm not sure yet what's wrong. But it hurt so bad, the medication is helping a bit though" he says.
"Well, I hope everything will be okay. I know how hard it must be to sit out" I sigh, and grab his hand.
"Me too" he says leaning back. He pulls me, so I'm leaning on his chest.
"Is this okay?" He asks.
I nod as I rub his arm, to get him to relax. I listen as his heart beat increases a bit, but then goes back to normal. Eventually, it relaxes me too much and I fall asleep in his arms.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now