Chapter fifty one

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"You have arrived at your destination. We hope you enjoy your stay" I hear the intercom say.

I smile as I look down at Mateo who I held in my arms. Luckily since we traveled with a baby I was one of the first to get off. Olivia led the way as we exited the plane that had just landed in Madrid.

It was a beautiful sunny day out, luckily for us we didn't have much to carry. We made our way toward the exit and took an Uber over to our hotel. The boys had arrived early in the morning but were busy all day with things with the team. We planned to meet up for dinner, and get ready for the match tomorrow.

When we arrived to the hotel, we checked in and headed quickly to the room. It was about time for Mateo's nap and he was getting fussy. Once I got him down I sat with Olivia on the deck while we looked out toward the city. I was excited to spend a few days here with the boys. It would be a nice small break before we returned back to Barcelona for my last days at home.

"So you're positive you don't want to stay here in Barcelona? You seem so happy here" Olivia says.
I sigh.
"I am very happy. But part of me also hurts, you know? I can't avoid Pedro forever. Especially with him being on the team and friends with Eric. I don't want to get in between them, so I'd rather just walk away"
"I get it. But maybe time will heal"
"It could. But deep down it also hurts me to see him enjoying time with the new girl. Doing the things we used to do together. Seeing him smile with her while I'm raising our son on my own" my eyes start to water and I feel myself get upset. Olivia gives me a sympathetic look and pulls me into a hug.

She's like a sister I never had, and I'm glad I have someone besides the boys to talk to now. I could never tell Eric or ferran how I really felt, they'd only make things worse.

"I know it hurts. And I'm sorry you're going through this. You're going to get your happy ending, even if it's with someone else. I promise"
I nod as I try and believe her. I calm myself down and wipe my tears.
"Here let me grab you a drink" she gives me a small smile and I nod.

This only helps me realize that I'm making the best decision moving back to Manchester. Far away from my problems. And Mateo will grow up surrounded only by positivity.

We were now at dinner with Eric and ferran, and of course Mateo was with us. We were at an Italian restaurant that ferran says is his favorite, and it wasn't disappointing. I sat beside ferran and across from us were Eric and Olivia.

The boys sounded confident for the match tomorrow, and I was extremely nervous. A Clasico and in Madrid was obviously going to be tense. Luckily we were able to get a club suite with a few of the other family members of the team, so I knew we'd be safe.

"You excited for tomorrow?" Ferran whispers to me as Olivia and Eric are in their own conversation.
I nod.
"Yes but also nervous" I smile.
"Me too. Luckily we have our lucky charms with us" he winks.
"I'm sure you'll do great" I reply
"And Mateo has a beautiful jersey to wear for the first time" I smirk.
"Ah I wonder who gave him that. It was a good idea" he smirks back.
"Some guy. I can't remember his name honestly" I joke and shrug.

We both laugh and move on.


the next day:
We were in our way to the stadium in an Uber. Like usual the boys traveled with the team on the bus so we were split up.

We arrived through the player parking lot to avoid the huge crowds of fans. We rushed inside and passed security as we made our way to our seats.

Mateo had fallen asleep, but obviously he wouldn't pay attention anyway. I sat beside Olivia as we looked out toward the field. We were far away but still the tension from the rest of the stadium filled the air.

The boys were still not out yet so I assume they were getting ready. I sent Eric and ferran words of encouragement before setting my phone down.

Olivia helped me hold Mateo for a few minutes. He wasn't heavy but it got tiring after a while.


The match began and I was more nervous than ever. I turned Mateo to face the field, but he seemed more distracted with following the crowd. The Madrid fans were intense. I felt the same knot in my stomach that I always feel during every Clasico. I prayed for a good and fair match and to be able to celebrate with the boys.

Minutes far into the match, right before halftime my phone began to ring. It was an in known caller so I didn't answer. But then it rang again.

"I need to take this, it must be important. Mind staying with him for a bit?" I ask Olivia. She smiles and nods.

I walk back into the private room and take the call.


"Hello, is this Ms.Garcia?"

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"I'm very sorry to call you with this news. I'm calling from the Barcelona Hospital for Emergencies to inform you that your parents were in a very bad car accident and are in critical condition. They may not make it through the night, both suffered very bad head injuries, and we need you or your brother to come. We've tried to call but-"

"What?" Is all that I manage to say as my heart stops. I feel myself get hot and my vision blurs. It can't be.

"We're so sorry miss. But it's important that you come as soon as possible"

"I'm in Madrid-  but I- I- I'll be there" is all I manage to say as I'm now in full on tears.

I rush over to Olivia and bring her back to the room. She tries to calm me down as I explain what they said. I sob and keep praying for a miracle and that my parents will be okay.

"We need to get Eric. Halftime is soon, we need to meet him" I explain. Olivia nods and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry. But try and stay together for Mateo. I'm here for you both" she says.

We have a security guard escort us downstairs and to the locker rooms. And just on time the teams start walking back down the tunnel. I get anxious as I wait patiently for my brother.

When I finally see him my heart breaks even more and I begin to sob. He seems to notice and rushes over.

"Eric! Mama and papa- they're in the hospital they-" I can't stop my tears and it's hard for me to speak. Eric looks very concerned and confused. He puts his arm around my shoulder and tries to calm me. I hear Olivia begin to explain to him as his expressions begin to worsen. His eyes water and I can tell he's feeling just how I am.

"We need to go. Now" he says holding back tears. He runs over and explains to Xavi what's happening and without anymore time we rush out. We take an Uber straight to the airport. Eric doesn't bother changing, and luckily I have all of Mateo's necessities in my bag.

We catch the next plane to Barcelona and pray for a miracle. I can't lose my parents. Not now. And Mateo, he's so young they haven't gotten to spend time with him. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I lose them. I pray and pray the entire flight back home. Please be okay.

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