Chapter forty nine

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(the Pedro happy ending will come, trust me lol. But the story is moving along soon)

"That was incredible" ferran sighs as he lays beside me. I smile and lean over to kiss his lips before getting up.

"Where are you going so soon?" He pouts.
"Ferran, you have practice in half an hour" I laugh.
"True, but-"
"Ah ah ah. We agreed that this wasn't going to get all emotional and sentimental" I say as I begin to put my clothes back on.
He smirks.
"I know, I know. But we're still friends right? Friends can hang out. And you owe me dinner still" he sits up in his bed and wraps his bedsheets around him.
"Fine. But I can't tonight. My parents are leaving early and I'll have Mateo after work"
"You can bring him"
"Ferran- don't you think that's a bit weird?"
"Weird why?"
"I don't know. I just-"
"Just bring him. Please" he smiles.

I give in and nod. I'm fully dressed by now so I grab my things to make sure I have everything. When suddenly the doorbell rings. Ferran and I freeze and he stands up quickly putting his shorts on.

He walks over to the living room and then signals for me to hide.

Ferran POV
I look through the window to see who it is before opening. Shit.
"Pedrito, what are you doing here?" I smile and greet my best friend, trying to act normal.
He sighs and walks straight in.
"Just coming to see if you wanted a ride to practice, and I was thinking we could maybe hang out after. Tania has some model thing going on, so I have nothing to do" he plops down on the sofa. I panicked because I just need him to leave but don't want him to be suspicious.

"Actually I was going to drive myself. I still have to get dressed and-"
"Ohh I see what's going on here. Who's the lucky lady?" He smirks as he pushes down on a hickey that I hadn't noticed before on my neck. I blush and push him away.
"No one. It's not from today. But I just need to do a few things before and I-"
"Mhm. Fine but what about later?"
"Well I have a dinner to go to and-"
"Okay fine. Deal. Now can you please leave" I laugh.
"Okay okay. See you at practice. And adios whoever is in Ferrans bedroom!" He yells while laughing.

I push him out the door as he continues laughing. I roll my eyes jokingly and shut the door.

I run back to the room to let Delaney know the coast is clear.

Delaney POV
"Okay we need a better plan for sneaking around" ferran laughs as he walks into his room. I smack him lightly and laugh.
"True but I have to go or I'll be late for brunch with my parents" I say. I walk over to the living room and double check that Pedro has left before saying goodbye to ferran and walking out.

I get into my car and drive off.

Ferran and I had been sneaking around for sometime now. It was mutual. All we wanted was sex and the thrill of it. We are both on the same page and knew we wouldn't hurt each other. And I know you may be thinking it's weird because of him being friends with Pedro. But the chances of Pedro and I getting back together are less than 1% so after this point I didn't think it was a big deal.

I pull up to the stoplight and just with my luck, Pedro is beside me. We make eye contact and I roll my eyes.
"Fuck you" I say and stick my middle finger up.
"You too" he says sending me a kiss and then laughing.

What an asshole. This is what I mean when I say we're not getting back together. What happened to him not hurting me? After everything we had been through.


I arrive back at home with my parents and Mateo. Mateo was soon to wake for his nap so in the meantime I hung out with my parents.

We were spending a lot more time together because they had planned to move away soon. They always wanted to move closer to the beach once they retired, and they were finally going to. I also only had about 2 weeks left here in Barcelona, so I was getting ready to leave too. I've had a great time being here but I always knew it was temporary. I had a good job back in Manchester, no drama, and was building a good support system around me. Besides Alejandro and I were always there for each other.

Our conversation was interrupted by Mateo's crying so I stood up and walked over to the bedroom.
"Hola mi amor. How was your morning with your abuelitos?" I coo as I soothe him and get him to calm down. I change his diaper and kiss his cheek causing him to smile.

I take him into my arms and feed him as I sit on the bed. He's such a calm baby, I'm so lucky to have him. I'm glad he's been spending a lot of time with my parents. We weren't planning on coming back at least for another few years maybe.

I finished feeding him and brought him out to the living room. My mother had made some food for us to have out meal together before they headed out. I sat at the dinner table with Mateo in my arms as we began to eat.


Later in the afternoon, I made plans with ferran to meet up at a private restaurant nearby. Eric had gone out with his girlfriend who we had met a few weeks ago. Her name is Olivia and she's so sweet and kind. She's perfect for Eric and I'm glad we've slowly gotten to know each other. We had a dinner scheduled for tomorrow as well.

I got Mateo and myself dressed up and we waited out on the stairs for ferran who was picking us up. The weather was nice and I liked being out here so I didn't mind.

Ferran showed up eventually and helped us into his car before driving off.

We got to the restaurant and checked in and were immediately seated.

"Don't you feel weird? People may think he's your son" I say as I look around.
"They can think what they want. I don't care" he smiles. I smile back.

He holds Mateo in his arms as he caresses his cheeks.
"He's so sweet" he smiles.
"He really is" I reply.

The food is brought out and we catch up on how things are going with my plan to return to Manchester. Although ferran and I have been sleeping around, we're still friends first. We both give each other good advice and are there for each other which I'll always appreciate.

But just as things were getting better, drama had to come in.

"Ferri?" I head an all too familiar voice say.

I won't hurt you. - Pedri Gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now